
RESCIND the Noble Peace Prize nomination of UNRWA, U.N. Secretary Antonio Guterres, and ICJ NOW!

October 10, 2024

To the Honorable Norwegian Nobel Committee,

(Send a copy of this letter to: postmaster@nobel.no, postmottak@smk.dep.no, press@nobelprize.org, media@nobel.no, sekretariat@svenskaakademien.se, sven.nyman@ramrational.com, sven.nyman@ramrational.com, thomas.perlmann@ki.se, registrator@su.se, peterb@dbb.su.se, ulf.danielsson@physics.uu.se, mats.malm@lir.gu.se, berit.reissandersen@dlapiper.com, anna.sjostrom.douagi@nobelprize.org )

We are deeply dismayed to hear that the Nobel Foundation is even considering a peace prize nomination to UNRWA, U.N. Secretary Antonio Guterres, and/or the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

We respectfully ask you to read this letter in its entirety and consider revoking this dangerous decision.

As you know, Alfred Nobel wrote in his will that a portion of his remaining estate should be used to endow “prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind” [1].

The U.N. has admitted that their staff members participated in the barbaric October 7th attack on Israel [2].

So the question that begs to be asked and answered is exactly how has UNRWA, Antonio Guterres, or the ICJ conferred the greatest benefit to humankind?


As far back as 1952, three years after UNRWA was created, Diplomat David Fritzlan told the U.S. State Department that UNRWA had “failed to accomplish anything in the form of refugee resettlement,” and had made “no effort to make the people independent and remove them from the list of aid recipients.” Moreover, he said that the policy of the Arab League was to frustrate the displaced Arabs for one purpose – to “simply keep the Palestine problem alive in the hope of bringing about the downfall of Israel” [3].

In 1958, when the U.S. and U.K. wanted to defund UNRWA for its failed mission, they were told by Saudi Ambassador Abdullah al Khayyal that if they wanted oil, allegiances, or strategic military intelligence from the Arab world, they would have to keep UNRWA funded [4].

And so began an agency, funded by the world of nations under duress, whose sole purpose was to keep human beings dependent and poor with displaced rage towards Israel and the Jewish People, who have longed to live peacefully alongside their Arab neighbors.

Today, the international community has paid for protection from the Arab world by funding UNRWA to the tune of $1.2 billion a year [5].

UNRWA and Hamas:

With these funds, UNRWA has become inextricably tied with the Hamas terrorist organization.

UNRWA’s senior attorney, James Lindsey, stated that UNRWA takes “few steps to detect and eliminate terrorists from the ranks of its staff, and no steps at all to prevent members of terrorist organizations such as Hamas from joining its staff” [6].

500 UNRWA Gaza employees serve in military positions in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) [7].

UNRWA employs Hamas members [8] and UNRWA employees admit, “everyone knew” about the Hamas terror tunnels that caused a parking lot to collapse (in 2014); yet no one reported it [9].

UNRWA Compounds & Vehicles Support Hamas:

An UNRWA compound has served as Gaza headquarters for Hamas terrorists, and an UNRWA food warehouse in Gaza was a recruitment office and site for the production of UAV’s [10].

Hamas fires rockets at Israel from nearby UN facilities and hides caches of weapons in UNRWA aid bags and in UNRWA facilities (e.g., schools). Moreover, UNRWA returned missiles to Hamas once the missiles were discovered


Footage shows Hamas terrorists putting guns in UNRWA vehicles on UNRWA property while shooting at Gazan civilians [15].

A distressed Gazan man summarized the UNRWA-Hamas relationship in this powerful interview that is worth listening to (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L71iyWy8JT8) [16].

UNRWA’s Money Laundering for Hamas:

UNRWA employees have laundered money for Hamas by building the infrastructure required to launch the October 7 war, paying Hamas terrorists as employees, and relaying Hamas propaganda through UNRWA schools [17].

As Gadi and Reuma Kadem, grandparents whose children and grandchildren were murdered by Hamas-UNWRA terrorists said, “All funders of Hamas-UNRWA and its directors and major players – are fully complicit in the murder of my children and family” [18].

UNRWA Weaponizes Palestinian Children:

UNRWA has poisoned over 545,000 Palestinian children through its P.A. curriculum that teaches hatred of Jewish people and Israel, and promotes violence, jihad, ‘martyrdom culture,’ and omits teaching about peace and co-existence. In fact, 80 UNRWA teachers and staff across more than 30 schools have been caught distributing hateful content within their textbooks [19]. Not surprisingly, numerous Hamas terrorists have graduated from these schools [20] [21].

Since these children are instructed to be murder weapons for a terrorist group, UNRWA is DIRECTLY responsible for all the murders they commit, and for their untimely deaths as terrorists, suicide bombers, and as shields for Hamas [22].

UNRWA and Bloodshed:

UNRWA’s undercover partnership with Hamas was finally exposed to the world on October 7th when they raped, burned, butchered, and murdered 1,200 Israelis and foreigners and then proceeded to take more than 240 hostages into the terror tunnels that UNRWA staff failed to report 10 years earlier [23].

The world discovered that UNRWA had prior knowledge of this massacre, provided vehicles and equipment for the October 7th attack, and 10% (1,200) of UNRWA employees have direct ties to Hamas and Palestinian Jihad. At least 42 UNRWA staff directly participated in the barbaric massacre and kidnapping of Israelis, and a teacher employed by UNRWA held an Israeli hostage inside Gaza for nearly 50 days [24-27].

Hamas via UNRWA dragged Israel into a war and then used the Palestinian people as fodder for their PR campaign to delegitimize Israel by hiding weapons in schools, mosques, hospitals, and homes and preventing Palestinian people from getting food, water, or safe passage. The blood of thousands of Palestinians falls squarely on the shoulders of the Hamas-UNRWA partnership [28-30].

Hamas-UNRWA Bound Together:

Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’ mastermind of the October 7th attack, was a headmaster at an UNRWA school and chairman of the UNRWA Gaza workers’ union [31].

50% of UNRWA employees in Gaza have close family members with ties to Hamas, which negates UNRWA’s ‘neutrality’ [32].

Historic Fact & Reason:

Incontrovertible proof shows that UNRWA never has “conferred the greatest benefit to humankind” especially not in the “preceding year” [33] and therefore does not meet the qualifications stipulated by Mr. Nobel – now or ever.

If the Nobel Foundation had any regard for Palestinians, Israelis, and the Foreign Nationals caught in this horrible war, it would not only withhold this prize from UNRWA but it would also seek to award champions who shut it down and make sure that the Palestinians receive aid in the same way all people in the world do – from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR).


Under his leadership, U.N. Secretary General Guterres allowed the Hamas terrorist organization to infiltrate UNRWA and flourish (described above) to such an extent that 42 UNRWA employees participated in the barbaric October 7 attack. What does Guterres ask for these 42 murderers and rapists? Immunity [34].

The section below describes how Guterres has failed as U.N. Secretary General in his role as an “advocate, civil servant, and CEO” [35]. From his failure to condemn international terrorism to his failure to protect his own employees, his actions show that he has NOT provided the greatest good to humankind. In fact, he has done the opposite – making the world a more dangerous place.

Failed to Condemn Hamas For October 7th Attack and Aftermath:

U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik released a scathing statement condemning Guterres for failing to condemn: Hamas terrorists for their barbaric acts, kidnapping hundreds of innocents, and recently murdering six hostages. Stefanik said that Guterres’ “inhumane silence” and inaction have aided and abetted Hamas in their war against a democratic ally [36].

Refusal to Designate Hamas as a Terrorist Organization:

The U.N. and the ICJ under the leadership of Guterres refuse to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization despite the fact that the United States and 27 other countries do [36a-36b].

Rationalized Hamas Attack and Spread Disinformation about the Conflict:

Only a few weeks after October 7th, Guterres made the following factually and morally vacant comments:

1) Hamas’ actions “did not happen in a vacuum” [37].

He blamed the terror attack on Israel.

2) The “Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation” [38].

He OMITTED that the only reason Israel was in Gaza in 1967 was because that year Egypt, Syria, and Jordan started a war with Israel. He also OMITTED that Israel has NOT occupied Gaza since 2005 – as one of Israel’s many gestures of peace towards their Arab neighbors that have been met with increased violence [39].

3) Israel’s assault on Gaza demonstrated “clear violations of international humanitarian law” [40].

This is absurd. Armies that fight a defensive war against terrorists in urban warfare, like coalition troops in Mosul, have a civilian to terrorist casualty ratio of 4 to 60:1; meaning 4 to 60 civilians are accidentally killed for every terrorist that is eliminated. Israel’s ratio is 1:1, meaning they have reduced civilian casualties four to sixtyfold by comparison. [41].

John Spencer, Former Chief of Urban Warfare Studies WestPoint, said, “Israel has implemented more measures to avoid civilian casualties than any other military in the history of war” [42]. According to International Law (Article 51) and ethics, all of these civilian casualties fall on Hamas who purposely boasts of hiding among civilians to INCREASE civilian casualties [43-45].

Silent About Hamas Sexual Violence:

Despite incontrovertible evidence (video footage, survivor reports) of Hamas’ sexual violence (e.g. rape, mutilation) against Israeli women, Guterres failed to speak out against this scourge on humanity. Only after the U.S. Senate wrote a letter to Guterres (December 2023) expressing their deep disappointment in his silence, did he finally make a statement against it [46].

Excluded Hamas from U.N.’s Sexual Violence Blacklist:

Compounding the gross neglect of his advocacy duties, Guterres excluded Hamas from the U.N.’s blacklist of entities responsible for sexual violence – despite Hamas’ own video footage and survivor reports [47-48].

Failure to Address Sexual Assault by U.N. Peacekeepers:

In 2020, the U.N. confirmed that it received 66 allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by U.N. peacekeepers, and 91 from U.N. personnel outside of a peacekeeping role. Yet, Guterres did not take decisive action to address these abuses, leaving victims without adequate recourse and protection [49].

Failure to Address U.N. Workplace Misconduct Against Women:

Guterres failed to address the U.N. workplace gender misconduct of Fabrizio Hochschild, and then promoted him to become tech-envoy [50].

Weak Approach to Global Terrorism and Sexual Violence:

Since his tenure (2017), Guterres has failed to take substantial, actionable steps to mitigate the rise in global terrorism, including sexual violence, by Islamic Jihadist groups such as: al-Shabab (Somalia, Kenya); Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and JNIM (Sahel Region of Sub-Sahara Africa); ISIS (Democratic Republic of Congo); Taliban (Afghanistan); and Tehrik-i-Taliban-Pakistan (Pakistan) [51].

Failure to Address Global Human Trafficking:

In 2022 alone, there was an estimated 50 million human trafficking victims in South and Central Asia, with Europe trailing as the second-highest region affected by this inhumane practice [52]. Yet, Guterres has not implemented comprehensive policies or mobilized sufficient resources to effectively address this crisis.

Tacit Approval of Authoritarian, Anti-Democratic Regimes:

Guterres refused to denounce Iran’s missile attack against Israel [53].

Moreover, Guterres recently attended the BRICS summit, where he met with authoritarian, anti-democratic regimes. Instead of condemning Russia for human rights violations, he tacitly gave his approval of Putin’s crimes against Ukraine [54].

Guterres offered a muted response, at best, regarding China’s genocide against the Uyghurs, and he failed to act when Turkey bombed the Yezidis and Kurds [55].

Guterres failed to condemn: the Saudi government’s brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the traumatic separation of migrant children from their families, and the relentless bombing of Syrian hospitals by Russian-Syrian forces [56-57].

Rewards Terrorism:

Instead of condemning Hamas, and putting international pressure on them to surrender and return the hostages unharmed and alive, Guterres immediately began to talk about a two-state solution. Discussing this publicly before the terrorists were eliminated and the hostages returned, sent a signal to worldwide terrorists that the U.N., via Guterres, will reward terrorists for their barbarity [58].

Guterres’ comments put worldwide democracies in danger and covered up Hamas’ stated goal – that of outright war until the conquest of the entire Jewish State [59].


Summary on Guterres:

There is a pattern to Guterres’ behavior: ignore or speak mutedly about jihadist terrorism, sexual violence, and the violence of authoritarian regimes; reward terrorism; and condemn democracies for defending themselves according to International Law.

Guterres’ behavior has signaled terrorists and autocrats that murdering their own citizens or citizens of neighboring countries is normal, that their brutality and repression will go unpunished, and that the principles of democracy and human rights are optional and negotiable [60].

Guterres has not only failed Mr. Nobel’s imperative to “confer, during the preceding year, the greatest benefit to humankind” [61], but he has also hobbled the world’s ability to confront tyranny – setting the stage for world war.

Would Mr. Nobel, or clear-minded members of the Nobel Foundation, want to be written in the history books for that?


Humanity relies on judges to ensure that truth and justice prevail. The qualities that all judges must possess are: faithfulness to and competence in the law; impartiality; and being un-swayed by political bias, partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism [62].

Sadly, the ICJ has violated the world’s trust by being swayed by public opinion, using misinformation and false accusations, and being riddled with conflicts of interest.

ICJ: Broke the Public’s Trust:

Mr. Nobel stipulated that the Peace Prize be awarded to one “who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promoting of peace congresses” [63].

The bedrock to promoting peace is mutual trust, however the ICJ has lost credibility and humanity’s trust due to its conflicts of interest and false claims about Israel.

Public Pressure to Adjudicate Israel Despite the Absence of Evidence Swayed ICJ:

When South Africa asked the ICJ to try Israel for genocide, the South Africans brought NO credible evidence of genocide. At this point, the ICJ should have dismissed the case. Yet, the ICJ allowed itself to be swayed by its inherent conflicts of interest and public pressure. It adjudicated the case nonetheless [64].

In May 2024, due to the ICJ’s confusing use of words to describe their ruling to the lay-public, the media’s conception of the ICJ’s ruling was that the ICJ found it plausible that Israel committed genocide. This misrepresentation of the ICJ’s ruling was then blasted throughout the media [65].

It finally took Judge Donoghue, in a BBC interview, to set the record straight, where she said, “The court did NOT decide that the claim of genocide was plausible” [66]. However, the damage to Israel, and to any democracy in need of fighting a just war to stop terrorism, had already been done.

Had the court kept itself from being swayed by conflict or interest or public opinion when asked to adjudicate without any credible evidence, the damage to Israel and to democracies fighting justly against terrorism would have been averted.

ICJ: Currently Being Swayed by Public Pressure Without Evidence:

Currently (October 2024), despite the fact that South Africa still has NO credible evidence of Israel committing genocide, the ICJ court is allowing itself to consider South Africa’s request to extend the October 28th due date of when South Africa must bring credible evidence of genocide to the ICJ court [67].

Once again, the ICJ is allowing itself to be swayed to consider a case against Israel despite there being NO credible evidence for this case.

ICJ Falsely Accused Israel of Occupation:

The ICJ has falsely accused Israel of “occupation of Palestinian territories” [68]. Whether the court is misinformed and/or biased, it violates the public’s trust and interferes with their capacity to promote “peace of congresses” as desired by Alfred Nobel [69].

The following is the information the ICJ is either unaware of or unwilling to discuss:

Predating Islam, the Jewish people established the Land of Israel in the second millennium B.C.E. and lived there for more than 1,600 years. Despite being conquered by the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans thousands of Jews have lived for centuries in each of the holy cities of Jerusalem, Safad, Tiberius, and Hebron; and in Gaza, Rafah, Ashkelon, Caesarea, Jaffa, Acre, and Jericho. [70]. Archaeological evidence proves Jewish indigenousy, with cities populated by a Jewish majority prior to the establishment of the modern state of Israel [71].

It is absurd to claim that the Jews who returned to Israel starting in the 19th century were colonialists and imperialists. They did not plant the flag of the antisemitic regimes of Russia, Poland, and Lithuania; and they were kicked out of Yemen, Iraq, Turkey, and North Africa. In fact, these refugees had to overcome Turkish, British, and Pan-Arab imperialism to achieve self-determination. They fled pogroms and persecution, and wanted nothing to do with the countries from which they fled. They did not come to the land with weapons to conquer, but with rakes and hoes to cultivate often swamp-infested land they purchased from absentee landlords. After the Holocaust, the state of Israel was established by international law (1948). While the Israelis were ecstatic to live peacefully among their neighbors within the meager boundaries they were allotted, five Arab countries attacked Israel in the War of Independence. This war was one of many that Muslim extremists committed against the Jewish state to deny Israel’s right to exist [72].

In 1967 Egypt, Syria, and Jordan started a war with Israel. Hafiz al-Assad ordered his Syrian soldiers to strike Israeli civilians, “turn them into dust, pave the Arab roads with the skulls of the Jews, and strike them without mercy” [73]. Miraculously, Israel won the war and gained territory in the Sinai, Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem. In 1982, Israel gave the Sinai to Egypt, which has created peace between the countries [74].

With similar hope, Israel left Gaza in 2005 as one of many gestures of peace with its Arab neighbors that have been met with violence [75]. This is worth repeating. Since 2005, Israel has NOT occupied Gaza. In response, Hamas overtook Gaza, slaughtered Palestinian leaders, created 450 miles of terror tunnels, launched over 30,000 rockets at Israel, and on October 7 perpetrated the most heinous attacks on the Jewish people since the Holocaust including the kidnapping of Israelis, Americans, and Foreign Nationals still missing today [76-77].

ICJ Rulings Rely on Manufactured Evidence from Biased Witnesses:

The ICJ’s rulings relied in part on ‘evidence’ from UNRWA workers, despite the fact that:

1) 42 UNRWA employees participated in the October 7 attack [78].

2) 10% of UNRWA employees (1,200) have direct ties to Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) [79].

3) 500 UNRWA Gaza employees serve in military positions in Hamas and PIJ [80].

4) UNRWA has weaponized over 545,000 Palestinian children through its P.A. curriculum and schools [81-82].

5) UNRWA employees launder money for Hamas and built the terror tunnel infrastructure [83].

6) An UNRWA compound was used as Hamas headquarters; and an UNRWA food warehouse in Gaza was a recruitment office and a site for the production of UAV’s [84].

Finally, 50% of UNRWA employees in Gaza have close family members with ties to Hamas, which negates UNRWA’s neutrality in bringing credible evidence to the court [85]. Yet, the ICJ allowed this.

Neither the ICJ nor the UN Designate Hamas as a Terrorist Organization:

The United States and 27 other countries designate Hamas as a terrorist organization, yet neither the ICJ nor the U.N. does so [86-87].

The ICJ and UN hold to the above decision despite the fact that the Hamas Charter calls for:

1) The complete destruction of the state of Israel as an essential condition for the liberation of Palestine, and the establishment of a theocratic state based on Islamic law (Sharia).

2) The need for both unrestrained and unceasing holy war (jihad) to attain the above objective.

3) The deliberate disdain for and dismissal of any negotiated resolution or political settlement of Jewish and Muslim claims to the Holy Land.

4) The reinforcement of historical antisemitic tropes and calumnies married to sinister conspiracy theories [88-89].

Bias: ICJ, UNRWA, and Guterres are Arms of the Same UN Organization:

Since the ICJ is the “principal judicial organ of the United Nations” [90] it is by definition inseparable from the deeply corrupt leadership of Guterres and the deeply corrupt and criminally liable organization that is UNRWA (see sections above).

This state of fusion between these three entities severely compromises the impartiality of the ICJ as a judicial body.

ICJ: The Integrity of the Court Has Been Compromised for Years:

For six decades the ICJ’s influence has been declining due to its severe conflicts of interest, such as:

1) The process of election and re-election of ICJ judges.

2) The presence of permanent members of the UN Security Council on the Court.

3) The appointment of ad hoc judges under Article 31 of the Statute of the Court [91].

A glaring example of the court’s bias is: the Chief Judge of the ICJ has been a candidate for Prime Minister of Lebanon, a country that harbors Hezbollah terrorists, who are currently attacking Israel [92-93].

ICJ: Summary:

This document proves that the ICJ, which is fused with the corrupt leadership of Guterres and the criminal organization that is UNRWA, has been biased and falsely accusatory, and has not “conferred the greatest benefit to humankind” [94].

Nobel’s Committee of Five Persons is Selected from Members of Norwegian Parliament with Strong Bias Against Israel:

Defying logic and historic fact, the Norwegian government has taken a strong stance against Israel. It has called for rewarding Hamas with land for their barbaric terrorism against the Jewish State and it was the first country to jump in when the ICC prosecutor threatened to arrest Israeli leaders. Yet, it is the Norwegian government that selects the Nobel’s Committee of Five Persons to decide whom to give the Nobel Peace Prize [95]. The potential bias of this committee is significant.


This document proves that the criminal UNRWA, corrupt Secretary Guterres, and biased ICJ are entities that are fused together and riddled with conflicts of interest that make their actions on the world stage dangerous for global harmony.

None of these entities match Mr. Nobel’s qualifications for a prize, and the mere consideration of giving this prize to any of them makes humanity pause at either the severe biases and/or backroom financial or political deals that the Nobel Foundation may be a part of.

Giving a prize to any of these entities will strike the final nails on the coffin for this prize and the Nobel Foundation in the eyes of the world and in human history.

https://www.instagram.com/p/DA8uZb3RMKE, https://www.instagram.com/p/DA8uZb3RMKE/

For the full letter and references, click here.

References UNRWA:

1 https://www.nobelprize.org/Alfred-nobel/Alfred-nobels-will/.

2 David Brunnstorm, “Nine UNRWA staff members were possibly involved in attack on Israel, UN says,” Reuters, 5 August 2024.

3 Schwartz, A. & Wilf E. (2020). The war of return: How western indulgence of the Palestinian dream has obstructed the path for peace. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Publishing, p. 17.

4 Schwartz, A. & Wilf E. (2020). The war of return: How western indulgence of the Palestinian dream has obstructed the path for peace. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Publishing, p. 17.

5 Noa Tishby, “Israel: A simple guide to the most misunderstood country on earth,” 2021.

6 Tova Lazaroff, “UNRWA staff not tested for terror ties,” JPost, 31 January 2009.

7 https://govextra.gov.il/mda/unrwa/terror-links, April 2024.

8 Brett Schaefer, “Why Trump was right to end funding for the U.N. Palestinian aid organization,” The Heritage Foundation, 6 September 2018.

9 David Luhnow, “A UN agency is accused of links to Hamas. The clues were there all along,” WSJ, 2 February 2024.

10 “SWU UK expresses deep concern over UK decision to restore 21 million pounds funding to UNRWA,” 19 July 2024.

11 https://twitter.com/cogatonline/status/1732691140493615547, 7 December 2024.

12 https://twitter.com/IDFSpokesperson/status/1733450024703475802, 9 December 2023

13 Raphael Ahren, “UN agency handed rockets back to Hamas, Israel says,” Times of Israel, 20 July 2024.

14 Pesach Benson, “Rockets under relief supplies raise questions about UNRWA,” JNS, 3 December 2023.

15 https://www.reddit.com/r/geopolitics/comments/1cs4n2v/idf_reveals_hamas_members_use_un_vehicles_unrwa/

16 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=L71iyWy8JT8

17 STL Jewish Light, “Victims of October 7 attack sue UNRWA for allegedly laundering money for Hamas,” 24 June 2024.

18 Ibid.

19 Paul Nuki, “UNRWA cannot operate without Hamas, no wonder it has a neutrality problem,” The Telegraph, 4 February 2024.

20 UNRWA school celebrates Hamas’ ‘jihad warriors’ in Gaza – a report, Jerusalem Post (Nov. 8, 2023).

21 JPost Staff, “UNRWA school celebrates Hamas’ jihad warriors in Gaza – a report,” Jerusalem Post, 8 November 2023.

22 Paul Nuki, “UNRWA cannot operate without Hamas, no wonder it has a neutrality problem,” The Telegraph, 4 February 2024.

23 David Luhnow, “A UN agency is accused of links to Hamas. The clues were there all along,” WSJ, 2 February 2024

24 TOI Staff, “Israel reveals 12 UNRWA staffers it says took part in October 7 says 30 more assisted,” Times of Israel, 16 February 2024.

25 Knesset News, “Approved in first reading: UNRWA to be declared by the State of Israel as a terrorist organization; all relations between UNRWA and the state to be severed,” 22 July 2024.

26 Fern Sidman, “1,200 employees of UN agency have affiliations with Hamas,” The Jewish Voice, 1 February 2024.

27 Mike Brest, “UN Palestinian agency looking into claim teacher held Israeli in attic,” Washington Examiner, 1 December 2023.

28 FDD, “Hamas officials admit its strategy is to use Palestinian civilians as human shields,” 1 November 2023.

29 Newsweek, “My fellow Palestinians: Stop blaming the Jews – Hamas is starving our brothers and sisters in Gaza, 7 March 2024.

30 UN Article 51

31 Paul Nuki, “UNRWA cannot operate without Hamas – no wonder it has a neutrality problem,” The U.K. Telegraph, 4 February 2024.

32 Carrie Keller Lynn & David Luhnow, “Intelligence reveals details of UN agency staff’s links to October 7 attack,” Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2024.

33 https://www.nobelprize.org/Alfred-nobel/Alfred-nobels-will/


34 https://allisrael.com/un-seeks-immunity-for-unrwa-workers-who-participated-in-oct-7-atrocities

35 https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/the-role-of-the-secretary-general#:~:text=The%20Charter%20describes%20the%20Secretary,and%20other%20United%20Nations%20organs

36 https://stefanik.house.gov/2024/9/statement-on-failure-of-un-secretary-general-to-condemn-hamas-terrorists-following-murder-of-six-october-7th-hostages-including-an-american

36a Senator Collins Bipartisan group urges UN to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization 11-27-23.

36b https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/02/16/top-un-aid-official-says-hamas-is-not-a-terrorist-group/]

37 https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/27/opinions/un-antonio-guterres-israel-hamas-palestine-ghitis/index.html].

38 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2442502/un-secretary-general-antonio-guterres-should-resign/

39 Michal Oren, “Six days of war: June 1967 and he making of the modern Middle East,” 2003.

40 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2442502/un-secretary-general-antonio-guterres-should-resign/].

41 Erin Molan, “Interview with U.S. military expert M. Pregent,” Sky News, 16, June 2024.

42 Twitter, Spencer Guard, John Spencer on Israel, 1752181728016277765.

43 https://www.facebook.com/SkyNewsAustralia/videos/israels-hostage-rescue-operation-was-done-the-best-way-they-could/972155304390046/

44 Erin Molan, “Interview with U.S. military expert M. Pregent,” Sky News, 16, June 2024.

45 Alan Dershowitz, “The war against the Jews,” 2023.

46 https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/rosen_ernst_grassley_et_al_to_un_secretary-general_antonio_guterres_-_addressing_hamas_sexual_violence.pdf

47 https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm

48 https://www.ynetnews.com/article/rjk2coszr

49 https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/03/1114012

50 https://www.politico.eu/article/antonio-guterres-harassment-united-nations-fabrizio-hochschild-drummond/

51 https://www.visionofhumanity.org/deadliest-terror-groups-in-2024/

52 https://www.ilo.org/resource/news/50-million-people-worldwide-modern-slavery-0

53 https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/10/03/un-secretary-general-unrwa-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize/

54 https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/40104.

55 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/2442502/un-secretary-general-antonio-guterres-should-resign/

56 https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/04/25/why-un-chiefs-silence-human-rights-deeply-troubling

57 https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/10/16/china-un-chief-should-denounce-crimes-against-humanity

58 https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/01/1146097

59 https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/19amztm/to_everyone_who_supports_the_twostate_solution/

60 https://www.kyivpost.com/opinion/40104

61 https://www.nobelprize.org/Alfred-nobel/Alfred-nobels-will/


62 https://www.uscourts.gov/judges-judgeships/code-conduct-united-states-judges#:~:text=(1)%20A%20judge%20should%20be,decorum%20in%20all%20judicial%20proceedings].

63 https://nobelpeaceprize.org/nobel-peace-prize/about-the-nobel-peace-prize/

64 https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-819470

65 https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1227078791/icj-israel-genocide-gaza-palestinians-south-africa

66 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bq9MB9t7WlI

67 https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-819470

68 https://melaniephillips.substack.com/p/an-explosive-moment-of-clarification

69 https://nobelpeaceprize.org/nobel-peace-prize/about-the-nobel-peace-prize/

70 Alan Dershowitz, “The case for Israel,” 2003.

71 Alan Dershowitz, “The war against the Jews,” 2023.

72 Alan Dershowitz, “The case for Israel,” 2003.

73 Michael Oren, “Six days of war: June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East,” 2003, p. 253.

74 Michael Oren, “Six days of war: June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East,” 2003, p. 253.

75 Alan Dershowitz, “The case for Israel,” 2003.

76 Britannica, “Israel’s disengagement from Gaza”

77 Wikipedia, “Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel.”

78 TOI Staff, “Israel reveals 12 UNRWA staffers it says took part in October 7 says 30 more assisted, “Times of Israel,” 16 February 2024.

79 TOI Staff, “Israel reveals 12 UNRWA staffers it says took part in October 7 says 30 more assisted, “Times of Israel,” 16 February 2024.

80 https://govextra.gov.il/mda/unrwa/terror-links, April 2024.

81 Paaul Nuki, “UNRWA cannot operate without Hamas, no wonder it has a neutrality problem,” The Telegraph, 4 February 2-24

82 UNRWA school celebrates Hamas’ ‘jihad warriors’ in Gaza – a report, Jerusalem Post, 8 November 2023.

83 STL Jewish Light, “Victims of Oct 7 attack sue UNRWA for allegedly laundering money for Hamas,” 24 June 2024.

84 10 “SWU UK expresses deep concern over UK decision to restore 21 million pounds funding to UNRWA,” 19 July 2024.

85 Carrie Keller Lynn & David Luhnow, “Intelligence reveals details of UN agency staff’s links to October 7 attack,” Wall Street Journal, 29 January 2024.

86 Senator Collins Bipartisan group urges UN to designate Hamas as a terrorist organization 11-27-23

87 https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/02/16/top-un-aid-official-says-hamas-is-not-a-terrorist-group/

88 Yale Law School, The Avalon Project, Hamas Covenant, 1988

89 https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-hamas

90 https://www.un.org/en/about-us/un-charter/chapter14

91 https://digitalcommons.law.ggu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1159&context=annlsurvey

92 https://wsj.com/articles/icjs-new-chief-judge-has-a-history-of-bias-against-israel-lebanon-hague-96889d53

93 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67307858

94 https://www.nobelprize.org/Alfred-nobel/Alfred-nobels-will/

95 Elliot Abrams, “Norway: From mediator to prosecutor of Israel,” Council of Foreign Relations, 12 August 2024

This letter was written by a Jewish activist with #EndJewHatred and shared with me to publish.


American City Council Members

Christians United for Israel

Nobel Foundation, Board of Directors

Press: CNN, Daily Wire, Free Press, OWN, Sky News, Telegraph, VIN, WSJ, etc.

Select Members of the Canadian Parliament

Select Members of the European Parliament

Select Worldwide Governments

United States Congress

WSJ: A Nobel Prize for Terror? Hamas abettors and apologists are on the list of nominees for the Peace Prize.

Israel National News: Nobel Peace Prize: Petition protesting UNRWA nomination quickly gaining traction

Im Tirtzu petition protesting UNRWA nomination for Nobel Peace Prize quickly gains 12,000 signatures. ‘We call on the prize committee not to stain the Prize with the blood found on the hands of UNRWA employees.’



On October 10, 2024 10am the petition had 53,654 —add your name here.

We express our strong condemnation of the nomination of UNRWA for the Nobel Peace Prize. Our concerns are rooted in UNRWA’s cooperation with terror groups in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon.

UNRWA workers participated in the events surrounding the October 7th massacre, UNRWA school teachers have been linked to leadership positions within Hamas, and UNRWA facilities have been used to store weapons and serve as launch sites for attacks.

The connection of UNRWA and Hamas contradict the values that the Nobel Peace Prize seeks to promote. UNRWA is no peace mission or humanitarian aid organization: they aid only terror and violence, and promote violence and hatred of Jews and Israelis.

Recognizing UNRWA with the Nobel Peace Prize would send a contradictory message about the values of peace and reconciliation. We urge the Nobel Committee to reconsider this nomination.

Sign here to add your voice – UNRWA is not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize

The Jerusalem Post: UNRWA retains Nobel Peace Prize candidacy despite evidence proving its ties to Hamas

Approximately 12,000 people signed a petition urging the Peace Research Institute Oslo to reconsider UNRWA’s candidacy for the Nobel Prize.

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