Dear all,
With anti-Jewish protests inflicting trauma in our colleges, our neighborhoods, and our lives as a whole – I’ve been thinking about what this all should mean to each and every person who identifies Jewishly. Put bluntly – Hamas doesn’t care about what you believe or with whom you align ….
If you are Jewish ….
It doesn’t matter to haters if you are anti-Zionist.
It doesn’t matter if you are Zionist.
Haters of Jews are haters of Jews.
It doesn’t matter to haters if you are religious.
It doesn’t matter if you are secular.
Haters of Jews are haters of Jews.
It doesn’t matter to haters if you march with Hamas supporters.
It doesn’t matter if you march with Israel.
Haters of Jews are haters of Jews.
It doesn’t matter to haters if you mourn Oct 7.
It doesn’t matter if you revere the Nakba.
Haters of Jews are haters of Jews.
None of this matters to haters.
But being Jewish should matter to you.
So be proud. You are a descendant of Jacob. You dreamed with Joseph. You danced with Miriam. You marched with Joshua. You chose Judaism with Ruth. You went against the odds with King David. You comforted with Elijah. You stood your ground with Esther. You studied with Hillel. You debated with Akiba. You dove deeper with Rashi. You wrote diaries with Frank. You broke boundaries with Priesand. You made your mark with Golda.
Because in this moment in time, you are here. A Jew. A Voice. A bridge to our future. And your presence as a Jew will shape our next chapter.
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro