I’ll be getting a late start today, so for those also looking to not do anything productive until mid-morning, here’s some God Blog highlights from the past week:
Wikipedia if Bill O’Reilly wrote it
I’ll be getting a late start today, so for those also looking to not do anything productive until mid-morning, here’s some God Blog highlights from the past week:
Wikipedia if Bill O’Reilly wrote it
It’s true what they say — good things do come in small packages.
Bret Stephens was in dialogue with ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, focused on the fact that the war in Gaza has been merely an excuse for the global surge in violent, normalized antisemitism.
America has admired Jews for so long because we are the ultimate contributors. As we continue our fight against hate, it behooves us to keep that upbeat aspect of the Jewish story alive.
These are obviously exceedingly trying times for Israel and for the entire Jewish people. But we must not lose heart and stop celebrating moments of happiness and success.