On the 10th episode of Schmuckboys, Marla, Maxine, and Libby are thrilled to bring you Danielle and Julie, the co-creators of the double-dating app, FourPlay. To start off, the schmuckgirls recap their visit to CT where they put on a live-podcast show for BBYO teens and celebrate Maxine finishing law school (clap clap clap). On this week’s episode the five ladies discuss why double-dating works, how FourPlay brings its users back to a simpler way to meet other singles, having expectations, choosing to date Jewish and more! The girls end with a game of “Cute or Cringe” and “Hot or Just Jewish?”
Like what you hear? Follow @schmuckboysofficial on Instagram and TikTok. Submit your questions, comments, concerns, crazy date stories, and advice requests to schmuckboysofficial@gmail.com