One of the most fascinating chapters in the American Jewish story is the relationship between Jews and Blacks. It’s a complicated story, with many ups and downs.
In today’s “Curious Times” podcast, we focus on a promising development in this long story: a new initiative called the Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance. More than 170 leaders of the entertainment industry have signed on to help counter both racism and anti-Semitism.
One of them is our special guest, well-known Hollywood executive Ben Silverman, chairman and CEO of Propagate Content and an Emmy-award winning producer of such shows as The Office.
This is the first episode under our new name “Curious Times,” after nearly a year as “Pandemic Times.” Since this podcast began three years ago, our content direction has always been to satisfy curious minds, with an emphasis on a Jewish take. Our niche is wherever our curiosity leads us– whether it’s in politics, culture, philosophy, religion, Hollywood or a field we have yet to discover.
Enjoy the conversation.