
Stanley Hirsh Elected New Publisher

Stanley Hirsh, a founding member of The Jewish Journal\'s Board ofDirectors, was elected publisher of this newspaper by a unanimousvote of the Board last week.
November 27, 1997

Stanley Hirsh, a founding member of The Jewish Journal’s Board ofDirectors, was elected publisher of this newspaper by a unanimousvote of the Board last week. He succeeds the late Edwin Brennglass,who died October 23.

Hirsh, who is owner of the Cooper Building and a former chair ofLos Angeles’ Community Redevelopment Agency, is active in Jewishphilanthropy, national politics and local government. He is a formerpresident of the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles and aformer General Campaign Chair of the United Jewish Fund, serving twoterms (1984 and 1985).

“I feel the Journal has become the largest disseminator of Jewishinformation in L.A. about what’s happening in the Jewish world,” hesaid. “Because of that fact,” he added, “we want to increase ourcirculation both within Los Angeles and the Valley. Ultimately, ofcourse, our aim is to reach all segments of L.A.’s large, pluralisticJewish community –so that, at the very least, we are able to sustaina continuing dialogue among ourselves and share a common set ofvalues and assumptions.”

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