
November 27, 1997

Holiday Toy Drive

Vista Del Mar and Family Services and DIVE! restaurant are teaming up for a holiday toy drive. Bring an unwrapped toy to the Century City restaurant between Nov. 28 and Dec. 22, and you\’ll receive 10 percent off your total lunch or dinner check.

One Girl’s Basketball Diary

I love basketball. Not as in, I love Neil Diamond,I hum along when he\’s on the radio. No.

Coming Together Aboard Bus No. 2

I have never been a fan of group travel. Bernie and I like to headout for parts unknown, armed only with a guidebook and a rental car.

Since the Partition

Fifty years ago this week, on Nov. 29, 1947, the General Assembly ofthe United Nations voted to partition British-held Palestine into aJewish state, an Arab state, and a corpus separatum, comprisingJerusalem and Bethlehem, to remain under the control of the UnitedNations.

A Final Resting Place?

Hollywood Memorial Park is the cemetery of the stars, and rightnow it is starring in a cliffhanger of its own.

Stanley Hirsh Elected New Publisher

Stanley Hirsh, a founding member of The Jewish Journal\’s Board ofDirectors, was elected publisher of this newspaper by a unanimousvote of the Board last week.

The GA: Missing Out

If a Jew yells in Indiana, will a Jew in Los Angeles pay attention?\n\nFor six days in mid-November, 4,400 mostly bright, all intenselycommitted Jews gathered in Indianapolis to wrestle with the toughissues of contemporary Jewish life. And, if you\’re like the bulk ofLos Angeles Jewry, you probably couldn\’t care less.

Brooks And Reiner in the Year 2000

\”Send in the Jews!\” Mel Brooks shouted, throwing the floodgatesopen for the scores of fans who valiantly fought the drizzle lastWednesday evening, Nov. 19, to meet him and his \”Your Show of Shows\”partner-in-crime, Carl Reiner.

Writing a New Chapter

The People of the Book is the Los Angeles area\’s first attempt at a Jewish book festival

Torah Portion

In 1620, our Pilgrim ancestors escapedthe tyranny and religious persecution of the Old World and braved atreacherous journey to find freedom on this continent.

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More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.

More news and opinions than at a Shabbat dinner, right in your inbox.