September 2, 2021

Erev Rosh Hashanah: Sept. 6
Rosh Hashanah Day: Sept 7
Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Sept 8
Kol Nidre: Sept 15
Yom Kippur: Sept. 16


Adat Ari El
The Conservative congregation holds in-person High Holy Days services, with livestream access included in purchase of ticket. COVID-19 protocols applied to limited-capacity sanctuary services. Various times and locations on synagogue campus. $250 per person, general. Adat Ari El, 12020 Burbank Blvd., Valley Village. For additional information, visit adatariel.org/hhd_5782.            

Congregation Beth Ohr 
Independent, non-denominational spiritual community Congregation Beth Ohr holds services on Zoom and on YouTube. Erev Rosh Hashanah 7:30-9 p.m., Rosh Hashanah Day 10 a.m.-noon, Kol Nidre 7:30-9 p.m., Yom Kippur 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Yizkor 12:30-1 p.m., Afternoon discussion 3-4:30 p.m., Closing service 4:30-6:30 p.m. High Holy Days tickets $40 per person per service, $55 for both morning and afternoon Yom Kippur services, with no charge for Yizkor, $175 per person for all services. Bethohr.org

Congregation Or Ami 
Calabasas-based Reform Congregation Or Ami offers both in-person and livestream viewing opportunities for High Holy Days worship. Indoor and outdoor services available. COVID-19 protocols apply. $360 adults, $290 seniors, $280 youth 4th-12th grade, free children, Pre-K–3rd grade. Tashlich on Sept. 7 at Zuma Beach, Tower 11, 4:30 p.m. More information at orami.org/hhd. Services livestreamed on oramilive.com.

Kol Tikvah 
The Woodland Hills Reform community holds live services for select “studio” audience members in its sanctuary and livestreams to those near and far via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. Charitable contribution requested. (818) 348-0670. koltikvah.org/hhd

Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue 
The Reconstructionist community by the beach offers limited in-person seating and livestream access for its congregants as well as livestream access to the general public. Various times. Member tickets free, Member extended family $99, General public ticket $198. Malibu Jewish Center and Synagogue, 24855 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu. (310) 456-2178. mjcs.org/5782-hhd-schedule-tickets

Shomrei Torah Synagogue
The Conservative congregation requires either a membership or a ticket purchase for its in-person services. While an RSVP is required for all in-person services, an RSVP is not necessary to access the livestream services. Various times, prices. Shomrei Torah Synagogue, 7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills. (818) 854-7650. stsonline.org/high-holiday-information.

Stephen Wise Temple 
The Bel-Air-based Reform community’s in-person services are available to members only, and the general public is welcome to watch free livestream services at wisela.org/Online. Stephen Wise Temple, 15500 Stephen S. Wise Drive, Los Angeles. (310) 476-8561. wisela.org/HighHolyDays

Temple Judea 
Every service held on the Reform community’s campus will be streamed online, and no ticket is required. The general public may also purchase tickets to in-person services by contacting Bruce Raff at braff@templejudea.com. For more information, visit templejudea.com/pray/high-holy-days/

Valley Beth Shalom
The Conservative congregation holds in-person High Holiday services and provides virtual worship opportunities through the recently launched VBS TV. $360 for VBS TV access. For additional information, call (818) 788-6000 or visit vbs.org/highholidays.


Congregation Kol Ami
If you are attending in person, masks will be required as is signing an attestation that you are COVID-free and without symptoms. Everyone attending services, whether online or in-person, will have to register in advance. Tashlich held Sept. 12, 10:30 a.m. Will Rogers State Beach, Tower 10. Congregation Kol Ami, 1200 N. La Brea Ave., West Hollywood. (323) 606-0996. kol-ami.org/hhd 

Chai Center
Drawing all backgrounds, Chai Center holds in-person services with socially distant seating in an open, backyard tent. RSVP required for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to guarantee a chair. Venue location near Highland and Third St. Exact location provided upon RSVP. chaicenter.org/allevents/highholidays/

Hollywood Temple Beth El
Concerns about the spread of the Delta variant mean High Holy Days services will be live streamed through Zoom. Led by Rabbi Norbert Weinberg, the congregation’s services feature streaming music by world-class choirs and cantors. $36.  As a public service, the first night of Rosh Hashanah and Neilah will be streamed on YouTube and Facebook.com/htbel/live.

Spiritual community Nashuva invites those who are masked and vaccinated for outdoors services at various sites, including Clover Park in Santa Monica, Temescal Gateway Park and Venice Beach. $350 minimum donation requested. All services, except for tashlich, will be livestreamed. For additional information, visit https://nashuva.com/pray/high-holy-days-2021/                        

On erev Rosh Hashanah, the Nefesh community welcomes the new year with a unique audio and walking tour experience, featuring song and prayer, in Griffith Park. On Rosh Hashanah, Nefesh gathers outdoors at Temescal Canyon Park. On Kol Nidre, the location is to be determined, depending on the Delta variant. On Yom Kippur, the community returns to Temescal Canyon Park for outdoor services. Masks are required at the outdoor services. Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services streamed on Zoom. nefeshla.org/high-holy-days-2021

Pico Union Project
The Sanctuary @ Pico Union, led by Craig Taubman, brings together clergy, artists, and special guests for virtual services, Pico Union Project, 1153 Valencia St., Los Angeles. (213) 915-0084. For service times and prices, visit picounionproject.org.

Silverlake Independent JCC Virtual Experience
Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center and East Side Jews partner on a virtual “Days of Awesome” experience. Suggested donation range is $36-$360 per stream. sijcc.net/days-of-awesome-registration.

Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock
Services are held both in-person and online those unable to attend. Various times, prices. Temple Beth Israel of Highland Park and Eagle Rock, 5711 Monte Vista St., Highland Park. (323) 745-2474.  tbila.org/high-holidays-5782-/-2021.html

Temple Israel of Hollywood
To keep the community safe, the Reform synagogue requires proof of Covid-19 vaccination and masks worn indoors. Services will be livestreamed to ensure access so everyone may participate. In-person tickets not available for the general public. For service times, visit tioh.org/worship/high-holidays/

Young Jewish Professionals​​
Rabbi Mendel Simons leads services for the Young Jewish Professionals (YJP) at The Sofitel Hotel. YJP will not host services on Erev Rosh Hashanah or the second day. Sofitel Hotel, 8555 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles. For additional information, visit yjplosangeles.com/services.


Beit T’Shuvah
Rehabilitation center Beit T’Shuvah is holding virtual 2021 High Holy Days services for community members. Tickets $36 per person, per service. beittshuvah.org/high-holidays-2021/

Beth Chayim Chadashim 
Beth Chayim Chadashim, one of the oldest LGBT congregations, holds a mix of online services and in-person events. To register for the virtual services, call (213) 290-6139 or visit bcc-la.org/pray/high-holidays/

Beverly Hills Jewish Community
Beverly Hills Jewish Community Synagogue holds an authentic Sephardic/Moroccan service outdoors in accordance with Los Angeles County and Beverly Hills guidelines. Times and schedule of services are emailed following your ticket confirmation. (310) 276-4246. http://www.beverlyhillsjc.org/rhyk2020

Chabad synagogues across Los Angeles hold services for the High Holidays. Typically, membership or dues are not required. Here are a few Chabad houses holding services: Chabad of Santa Monica at jewishsmonica.com; Chabad of Downtown Los Angeles at downtownjcc.com; Chabad of the Valley at chabadofthevalley.com; and Chabad of Culver City at jewishcc.com.

Egalitarian congregation IKAR offers a free live broadcast of its services to IKARites and friends from afar on its website and Facebook page. Members and the general public may attend virtual services. No registration or login information is required. (323) 634-1870. ikar.org.

Kehillat Israel
The Reconstructionist community in Pacific Palisades holds its inaugural Rosh Hashanah Family Experience with an outdoor picnic at 5 p.m. followed by services at 5:45 p.m. All other services are virtual, and tickets for guests are $360. For additional information, call (310) 459-2328 or visit ourki.org/hhdschedulelinks#

Kehillat Ma’arav
Led by Rabbi Michael Gottlieb, the Conservative congregation serving Santa Monica, the Westside and beyond will hold virtual services on Zoom. Donations are appreciated from non-members and guests. For additional information, call (310) 829-0556 or visit km-synagogue.org/events/high-holidays-virtual/

Metivta: A Center for Contemplative Judaism 
Rabbi Tirzah Firestone, prayer leader Evelyn Baran and Cantor Marc Bacrach lead the egalitarian, non-denominational community’s High Holy Days. All services are held on Zoom. Advance registration required. Meeting links sent to registrants only. http://metivta.org/

Mishkon Tephilo
With new Rabbi Joshua Katzan leading services, a new cantor and the same great choir, the Venice-based congregation calls for its members, their families and guests to come “home” to Mishkon for the High Holy Days. Various times, prices. For additional information, call (310) 392-3029 or visit https://www.mishkon.org/highholidays2021

Ohr HaTorah
Led by Rabbi Mordecai Finley and Rabbinic Intern Yeshaia Blakeney, Ohr HaTorah holds online services. Steaming access info for the general public, including times and prices, is available at ohrhatorah.org/high-holy-days1.html

Open Temple 
Capitalizing on its Venice location, Open Temple’s High Holiday Ritual Lab features Rosh Hashanah, tashlich and Yom Kippur services on the beach. Various times. $36-$180. All services are a la carte. RSVP for the service you want to attend at opentemple.org.

Pico Shul – Days of Awesome
Rabbi Yonah Bookstein leads Pico Shul’s High Holy Days services, accompanied by Chazans Tuli Skaist and Yehuda Prero and Rebbetzin Rachel Bookstein. All participants over age 12 must be vaccinated to participate in services, held in a walled garden backyard in Pico-Robertson. Register at https://kesher.regfox.com/high-holidays-2021

Santa Monica Synagogue
Reform congregation Santa Monica Synagogue holds virtual services on Zoom and Facebook, led by Interim Rabbi Barry Lutz and Cantorial Soloist Audrey Babcock. $100 donation requested from non-members. thesms.org.

Sholem Community 
The secular and progressive Sholem Community holds an outdoor Rosh Hashanah in the park, a virtual Kol Nidre and an outdoor Yom Kippur in the park. Rosh Hashanah 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Free, Rancho Park-Cheviot Hills, 2551 Motor Ave., Los Angeles. Kol Nidre $64, non-members. Yom Kippur 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Rancho Park-Cheviot Hills, 2551 Motor Ave.  More information at sholem.org.

Sinai Temple
The Conservative congregation in Westwood holds in-person services while offering online services for members who would prefer to join virtually. (310) 474-1518. sinaitemple.org.

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills
While all services are virtual, there will be several opportunities to come together in-person, including Tashlich at the beach featuring a new contemplative service before it, and tot services in person. The chapel will be open in the days leading up to and on Yom Kippur. (310) 288-3737. tebh.org/spirituality/holidays/#general

Temple of the Arts                 
Live services are held at the Saban Theatre, and services will be livestreamed, too. Temperature checks are taken at the door, masks are optional, and COVID-19 sanitization occurs before each service. (323) 658-9100. bhtota.org.

UCLA Hillel 
UCLA Hillel offers three options to choose from: In-person services at Hillel for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; online for live Zoom services; or with a digital pass, full access to pre-recorded video prayer playlist. Various times, prices. Uclahillel.org.


Pasadena Jewish Temple & Center
Combining the creativity of last year’s virtual services with a return to in-person, the 100-year-old Conservative synagogue offers both forms of services this time. Adhering to Covid-19 protocols, masks will be required for all ages 2-and-over. pjtc.net/high-holy-days-2021


Congregation Tikvat Jacob
The South Bay Conservative-style holds family services and Tashlich in-person. All main adult services take place on Zoom. (310) 546-3667. http://www.ctjmb.org/high-holy-days

Temple Beth El in San Pedro
As one of the oldest Reform congregations, the temple welcomes those who wish to attend in person or on Zoom, beginning with a multi-access service on Erev Rosh Hashanah, in-person or virtually.  (310) 833-2467. https://bethelsp.org.

Temple Menorah
The Redondo Beach Reform temple offers both in-person and online services throughout the holidays with the stipulation those attending indoor services need proof of vaccination. (310) 316-8444. https://templemenorahredondobeach.shulcloud.com

Temple Shalom of the South Bay
With a return to in-person services for the Reform synagogue, COVID-19 precautions will be followed. Masks for all in the sanctuary regardless of vaccination status. All doors in the sanctuary will be open, and families are expected to sit together while distancing from others. (310) 613-3855. https://www.templeshalomsb.org/high-holidays

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