Will Iran Retaliate Against Israel After Assassination of Haniyeh?
Middle East expert Lisa Daftari lays out the possible next moves in the tense Middle East
Middle East expert Lisa Daftari lays out the possible next moves in the tense Middle East
Rif Harush was a combat soldier serving in the combat unit Egoz.
Notable people and events in the Jewish LA community.
In the over 70 years since SNCF ran its first deportation train, SNCF has never been held accountable or provided reparations to its victims, many of whom now reside in the United States
Israel’s foes have seen up close that Israel is no paper tiger. In the long run, this targeted killing approach may indeed help prevent wars and save thousands of lives.
After 23 years of bringing healing to terror victims, in the wake of Oct. 7 and the recent attacks that killed 12 children in Majdal Shams, the Israeli nonprofit OneFamily is busier than ever.