The Mule Was Our Idea – A poem for Parsha Vayishlach
So much innovation has come from the desert.
So much innovation has come from the desert.
In our efforts to repair ourselves, may we learn how to protect those we love in the process.
Whether they realized it or not, the Jewish Educator Awards were demonstrating an antidote to antisemitism.
When did education become about repetition of the teacher’s belief, the sorting of everything into binaries good/evil, oppressor/oppressed, victim/aggressor?
With the publishing world turning hostile to Jewish and Zionist authors, Wicked Son has thrived as a publishing refuge for unapologetic Jews.
In his book Mayim Hayim, Rabbi Yosef Messas not only permits the use of an electric menorah, but writes that it’s arguably the finest way to fulfill the mitzvah of lighting the Hanukkah lights.
It’s true what they say — good things do come in small packages.