Sephardic Torah from the Holy Land | A Bimah of Victory
Karina, Daniela, Naama and Liri. Whenever I hear those names, I bow with respect and admiration.
Rabbi Daniel Bouskila is the International Director of the Sephardic Educational Center.
Karina, Daniela, Naama and Liri. Whenever I hear those names, I bow with respect and admiration.
We’ve waited so long for this moment to greet you, to welcome you home, to hug you.
God was not in the fire, but God’s voice is within us, guiding us through yet another Hurban, another destruction, calling on us, yet again, to rebuild.
My New Year’s Resolution for 2025 comes courtesy of my rabbinic role model and inspiration, Israel’s first Sephardic Chief Rabbi – Rav Benzion Meir Hai Uziel.
I invite you to join me in this prayer, as you light an additional candle each night.
From the genocide of the Nazis to the atrocities of Hamas, the Hanukkah Menorah’s lights are kindled, and Judea lives on.
In his book Mayim Hayim, Rabbi Yosef Messas not only permits the use of an electric menorah, but writes that it’s arguably the finest way to fulfill the mitzvah of lighting the Hanukkah lights.
With the month of Kislev underway, we turn our attention to Hanukkah, our holiday of light and heroism.
Founded in 1654 by 23 Spanish & Portuguese Jews, Shearith Israel is the first and oldest Jewish congregation in America.
I learn so much from Rabbi Uziel about halakha and philosophy – and now – how to “chill and relax” in these stressful times.