Holiday Branches
Tu B’Shevat higi’ah, chag lailanot!
Tu B’Shevat is here, a holiday for the trees. Make sure you join in on some of the fun events that will be happening: Go to the Shalom Institute for a Tu B’Shevat celebration on Feb. 8, the Westside JCC for an afternoon of fun or to the Zimmer Children’s Museum for your very own tree-planting kit. Make Tu B’Shevat origami at the Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles, or take a moonlight hike with TreePeople. (For more information, visit the Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life of Southern California at
What Was the First Paper Made From?
Today, we mostly make paper from trees. Five-thousand years ago, the Egyptians made paper from a reed that grew along the Nile river. The Egyptians would pick it, soak it, pound it and weave it together to create a writing surface. What is this reed called?
One to Grow on
1) Where was the first garden planted on Earth and who planted it?
a) Near the Nile; the Egyptians
b) In Eden; God
c) Sumer; the Sumerians
2) What did Noah plant right after the flood?
a) A corn field
b) An orchard
c) A vineyard
3) After the flood, the dove brought back a branch. From what kind of tree?
a) Olive
b) Pomegranate
c) Loquat
E-mail your answers to for a gift certificate.
Trees in Israel
Acacia, Almond, Carob, Cypress, Date, Eucalyptus, Fig, Oak, Olive, Pine, Pistachio