When Hillary Clinton lost the Electoral College, most post-mortems faulted Democrats for failing to empathize with the anger and abandonment that non-coastal Americans were feeling. But last week, when Donald Trump sucked up to the (previously dishonest, subsequently gem-like) New York Times, “>ethics lawyer charged with telling Trump when there’s a conflict of interest, or the appearance of one, between carrying out his oath of office and jacking up his family’s wealth. When might that be? Don’t hold your breath.
McGahn’s “>ensured that the Court’s rulings for Citizens United and against the McCain-Feingold reforms would gut the regulation of money in politics, thereby paving the way for super PACs and for bogus “social welfare” nonprofits like Karl Rove’s Crossroads GPS. When a Washington lawyer “>commented, “He was consequential like a sledgehammer was consequential. He did his best to undermine the law.” Since his tenure at the F.E.C., according to “>lead story in Sunday’s New York Times – “World of Potential Conflict for a Developer President: Many Trump Partners Have Ties to Foreign Governments as Work Spans the Globe” – you know how thick Trump’s business ties are to the governments of the Philippines, Brazil, India, Turkey, Ireland and Scotland, to name a few. If a U.S. foreign policy decision appears to favor a Trump commercial project, it’s McGhan’s job to blow the whistle on the president. If you think that’s going to happen, I’ve got a golf course with a nice view of a wind farm that I’d like to sell you.
Eight out of 10 Americans martyk@jewishjournal.com.