As those who know me understand, I am recovering from a car accident which took place over a year ago. Many months have passed. I am home and working with my office as a Hollywood talent manager with a group of great high level and loyal clients.
My recovery has had 3 stages: Acute – I was in the hospital hovering between this world and the world to come, Rehab – relearning to walk and regaining my strength, and Daily Life – which includes day to day interface with family, friends, neighbors and in my case “Hollywood” types: agents, studio heads, executives, directors and an assortment of creative types.
Each phase is beset by different challenges. The last “day to day,” while not as dire as the other two, has had its difficulties. Everyday I need a large dose of optimism, good humor, patience, fearlessness and a trick or two up my sleeve.
As evidenced in this weeks Torah portion, Jacobs homecoming witnessed the fact that you can go home again. Armed with a new family, and returning home he needed a large dose of heroism and wit, and so did his family. Jacob also needed to be armed with heroics to face his fate in returning to Canaan and facing anything but ordinary daily life.