
Apple CEO Tim Cook says the company will donate $1 million to the ADL

August 17, 2017
Apple CEO Tim Cook speaking at the 2017 Apple Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) at the San Jose Convention Center, June 5, 2017. Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook pledged that his company will donate $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League and $1 million to the Southern Poverty Law Center in the wake of the violent protests in Charlottesville.

Apple will also match employee donations to these and other groups two-for-one through September, according to a memo Cook wroteWednesday night obtained by Buzzfeed News.

Cook said he strongly disagrees with President Trump’s comparison between the neo-Nazi and white supremacist protesters and those who opposed their rally in Charlottesville.

“Hate is a cancer,” Cook wrote. “This is not about the left or the right, conservative or liberal. It is about human decency and morality.”

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