
The Israel Factor 09.2014, Questionnaire

July 16, 2014


Please rank the performance of the US administration on the following issues from 1 (very bad) to 5 (very good). Explain the main reason for the grade you gave in one sentence:





Working with the Israeli government



Dealing with the Gaza War



Balancing relations with Middle East governments



Battling ISIS in Iraq



Handling Israeli-Palestinian relations



Please rank the likelihood of the following scenarios from 1 (unlikely) to 5 (very likely):




Obama and Netanyahu will still have good relations for the remainder of Obama's time in office


If Hillary Clinton becomes President in 2016 her Mideast policies will be much different from Obama's


The US is going to support a UN mandated evacuation date for the West Bank


A crisis in US-Israel relations is to be expected when the US completes its negotiations with Iran



Two months before the next midterm elections, I'd like to repeat the questions that we asked 3 months ago:

Thinking about the 2014 midterm elections, which of the following results would be better from an Israeli viewpoint (please rank each option from 1 – very bad – to 5 – very good)?


Both houses of Congress under Democratic control

Both houses of Congress under GOP control

Republican House and Democratic Senate

Democratic House and Republican Senate






Which of the combinations would make the Netanyahu government’s life easier (please rank each option from 1 – very hard for Netanyahu to 5 – very easy for Netanyahu):


Both houses of Congress under Democratic control 2

Both houses of Congress under GOP control 4

Republican House and Democratic Senate 3

Democratic House and Republican Senate 3




Looking ahead to 2016, please rank the following presidential candidates on a scale of 1 (very bad for Israel) to 10 (great for Israel)





Hillary Clinton


Joe Biden


Chris Christie


Marco Rubio


Paul Ryan


Jeb Bush


Mitt Romney


Janet Napolitano


Andrew Cuomo


Martin O'Malley


Deval Patrick


Cory Booker


Elizabeth Warren


Mark Warner


Brian Schweitzer


Kirsten Gillibrand


Rand Paul


Bobby Jindal


Susana Martinez


Amy Klobuschar


Howard Dean


Antonio Villaraigosa


Mike Pence


Ted Cruz


Rick Santorum


John Thune


Scott Walker


Mike Huckabee


Rick Perry


John Kasich


John Hickenlooper

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