In today’s world every one of us is a pseudo-photographer. The ubiquity of advanced photography devices has turned us into compulsive picture snappers.
But despite this inflation of the photographed image, in fact, perhaps now more so than ever, it remains true that there is much more than just pressing a button in the capturing of a moment.
Ziv Koren, one of Israel’s most prominent and world-renowned photographers, has been in the business for almost 30 years. Throughout his life, Koren has documented countless historical events around the globe, from HIV epidemic outbreaks and the Tsunami disaster in southeast asia, to the Earthquake in Haiti and many more. His photos won numerous awards and were exhibited in luxurious museums such as the Mett in Tokyo, the Art Museum in Houston and the MAXXI in Rome. Koren has published 15 books of his work including Writing with Light, Milestones, Shalom Inshalla and more.
We’re super excited to have Ziv Koren on the show to take an audio-snapshot of his incredible career and talk about what it means to be a photographer.
Ziv’s website, his books on Amazon and his Instagram