According to a recent poll (below under #7) 49% of America’s Jews support the agreement as opposed to 31% who oppose it.
The following articles are gleaned from an avalanche of stories and op-eds that have appeared this past week in the American and Israeli media, that I believe are worth reading:
1. 6 Biggest Myths about the Iran Nuclear Deal – National Interest
Hardin Lang and Shlomo Brom contend that the “this agreement represents the best chance to make sure Iran never obtains a weapon… While there are aspects of the deal that merit close review, many of these attacks just don’t stand up to scrutiny.”
2. For the Mideast, It’s Still 1979 – Tom Friedman – The New York Times
3. One Congressman’s Iran – Roger Cohen – The New York Times Cohen says that “longtime friend of Israel” Representative Sander Levin supports the deal “because the accord, if fully implemented, slashes Iran’s stockpile of enriched uranium by 97 percent, prevents enrichment above 3.67 percent (a long way from bomb grade) for 15 years, intensifies international inspections exponentially, holds Iran at least a year from having enough material to produce a weapon (as opposed to the current two months), cuts off a plutonium route to a bomb, preserves all American options in combating Iranian support for Hezbollah, and is far better than an alternative scenario where international sanctions would fray and ‘support from even our best allies if we move to the military option would be less likely.’”
4. Why Don’t American Jewish Groups Represent American Jews on Iran? – Peter Beinart – Haaretz Citing J Street’s poll showing American Jewish support for the Iran deal, Peter Beinart found that when determining their position, American Jewish federations didn’t survey the community, they consulted their donors. “That’s how American Jewish plutocracy works,” he wrote. “It’s composed of decent, sincere people but it’s designed to reflect the wishes of large donors and of Benjamin Netanyahu, not of American Jews overall.”
5. For Israel’s Sake, Don’t Reject the Iran Agreement – Commentary – Amram Mitzna “Nearly every day since the nuclear agreement with Iran was finalized, more Israeli generals and security chiefs have come forward with the same message: The deal is surprisingly good for Israel’s security. And as a retired major general who oversaw many elements of the Israeli military, I feel it is my duty to join my colleagues. I must state loud and clear — this agreement is better than no agreement and must not be rejected. If implemented, it will block all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon, and extend the time Iran would need to build a bomb from only two months to more than a year.” Amram Mitzna is former member of Knesset, former leader of the Labor Party, former mayor of Haifa and Yeruham, and a retired major-general in the Israel Defense Forces.
6. Should Federation take sides?: A Rabbinic letter of support for the Iran agreement – Jewish Journal As J Street’s Rabbinic Cabinet Co-Chair, along with 40 Rabbis in the Los Angeles area including my colleagues at Temple Israel, Rabbi Michelle Missaghieh and Rabbi Jocee Hudson, we urged, “It is critical that the American public and our congressional representatives recognize there are strong, committed Israel supporters in the American-Jewish community and among its leadership who, guided by many in the Israeli security establishment, support this agreement.”
7. The Los Angeles Jewish Journal this week has numerous articles and opinion pieces on the Iran agreement
– “New Poll on US Jewish support for the Iran deal despite misgivings” by Steven M. Cohen, in which support for the Iran agreement among American Jews revealed that 49% of American Jews support passage of the agreement and 31% oppose.
– “Federation Take it Back” by Editor-in-Chief Rob Eshman
– “Federation’s letter against Iran deal brings community’s divide to the surface” reviewing Los Angeles community’s reaction
Shabbat Shalom!