In the days following the attacks, domestically based extreme-right organizations struggled to formulate a position that balanced their ostensible nativism with an otherwise tailor-made opportunity to lash out at Jews and U.S. support for Israel. Typical of their commentary:
- In Louisiana, white supremacist David Duke suggested that while the attack was tragic, America was "reaping the whirlwind" for submitting to the dictates of its "Zionist masters."
- The World Church of the Creator issued a Sept. 12 press release headlined: "Pro-Israel Foreign Policy Costs Thousands of Lives Today."
- In California, White Aryan Resistance leader Tom Metzger suggested, "If the U.S. criminal leaders had kept its [sic] nose out of the Middle Eastern feud, thousands of Americans that are dead would still be alive. Intervention and international policing to protect transnational corporations, banking and Jew intrigue are the causes — disaster is the effect."
- Holocaust denier Michael Hoffman blamed the federal government’s "naked, partisan bias toward Zionism," which he said would result in "a good dose of Zionist clap — carte blanche budgets for Big Government and all-seeing surveillance by Big Brother."
- "We may not want them marrying our daughters," added the neo-Nazi National Alliance’s Billy Roper, "but anyone willing to drive a plane into a building to kill Jews is alright [sic] by me. I wish our members had half as much testicular fortitude."
- A World Church of the Creator Internet mailing list contained a post suggesting that if Palestinians were determined to be responsible for the attacks, "then it is my personal feelings, in violation of the stated [anti-Jewish] policies of the World Church of the Creator, that we should leave the bodies of Palestinians, wherever we may find them, littering the streets." Another mailing list, this one distributed by the Imperial Klans of America, blamed "ugly and dishonorable sand-niggers" for the attacks.
- "The enemy of our enemy is, at least for now, at least, our friend," declared American Nazi Party Secretary R. J. Frank in an online forum. "While I do not care for the sand-niggers, you can’t help but admire the military precision, planning, and most of all dedication they showed. If we had a handful of people willing to give it their all as they did, many of the issues confronting white America would be non-issues today."
- "We may not want them marrying our daughters," added the neo-Nazi National Alliance’s Billy Roper, "but anyone willing to drive a plane into a building to kill Jews is alright [sic] by me. I wish our members had half as much testicular fortitude."