So far, what is in for this blog’s ongoing web survey, is that Intactivists, or as I like to call them, the Foreskin Protectors have predictably skewed the survey the against circumcision.
What is surprising is the amount of zeal and energy some put into survey. During some periods exceeding over a fifty percent response rate of all who opened the link to the Demographic Duo blog.
Other than the actual responses, only the time of response is captured. I can describe the Foreskin Protector respondents as voting early and very often. I wouldn’t be surprised if the same ethic probably applied to their signature gathering for the petitions to put their initiative on the ballot in Santa Monica and San Francisco.
This is further evidence that this is a pretty small group. The Foreskin protectors have created a media tempest in a teapot. I don’t foresee them gaining a lot of traction and getting very much popular support in the near term. If Intactivists had more popular support, the swarm on this survey would have been greater. Melt the server, they didn’t.
Taken from the results spreadsheet: Of 180 responses so far, some lonely person probably put in an all-nighter with 27 responses (15 percent of the total) coming in one night from 9 pm to about 7 am the next morning :
6/21/2011 20:40:11
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Pini Herman serves as President of the Movable Minyan a lay-lead independent congregation in the 3rd Street area.