Fatah, the party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, posted a doctored photo on their Facebook page to promote an anti-Semitic libel.
Here is the photo, posted on Oct. 5:
According to Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), the photo was originally a 2009 photo of a man running a surveillance system at France’s Casino Theatre Barriere de Toulouse.
The photo posted on Fatah’s Facebook page featured the man wearing a kippah, an Israeli flag in the left-hand corner of the image, and the words “Death to the Goyim” on top of images of Palestinian Ahed Tamimi.
The Arabic text that’s highlighted red reads, according to PMW, “The smear campaign against Ahed Tamimi is being waged by the occupation through its tools, and who is benefiting from this?”
Tamimi has become a cause celebre among pro-Palestinians after being imprisoned for eight months after slapping an Israeli soldier. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah praised Tamimi as “brave and courageous” in August.
Such anti-Semitic blood libels are common among Abbas’ Fatah party, as documented by PMW here. Abbas also has his share anti-Semitic blood libels, as compiled by the Journal here.