Our guest this week is Rabbi Malcolm Cohen, leader of Temple Sinai in Las Vegas, Nevada. Rabbi Cohen previously served Beth Israel Congregation in Florence, South Carolina, and before that was one of three full- time rabbis at West London Synagogue, the flagship congregation of the Reform movement in the United Kingdom. He received his training for ordination at Leo Baeck College in London and at the New York campus of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
This week's Torah portion – Parashat Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36) – features instructions given to the priests concerning sacrifices, the holy fire and the rites of ordination. Our discussion focuses on the convention of mock sermons in the period around Purim.
Our past discussions of Parashat Tsav:
Rabbi Joshua Rose on the character of Aaron and on the question of why he received the role of Cohen Gadol (Head Priest) even after his involvement in the Golden Calf affair.
Rabbi Rachel Barenblatt on repetition, ritual and holiness