Our guest this week is Rabbi William Hamilton, rabbi of Congregation Kehillath Israel in Brookline, MA. Rabbi Hamilton was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, and before arriving at Kehillath Israel (in 1995) he served as rabbi of Temple Beth Abraham in Canton, MA. Rabbi Hamilton has served as chaplain of the Massachusetts State Police and as a trustee of the Anti-Defamation League, the David Project, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, and the Board of Ministry of Harvard University. He is the recipient of the Jewish Federation’s (CJP) Rabbinic Leadership Award 2001; of the Safe Havens (domestic violence prevention) Vision Award 2000; and he was honoured by State of Israel Bonds in 1995.
In this Week's Torah Portion – Parashat Ekev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25) – Moses continues his address to the people of Israel, promising them that they will prosper in the land of Israel if they obey God's commandments. He reminds them of their sins, but stresses God's forgiveness. Moses describes the land of Israel to the people, demands that they destroy the idols of its former dwellers, and warns them of thinking that their power and might, rather than the lord, have gotten them their wealth. Our discussion focuses on Moses' retelling of the Golden Calf story and on the reasons behind God's forgivness toward the people of Israel.
Our Past discussions of Parashat Ekev:
Rabbi Robert Dobrusin on the importance of allowing our faith to grow with us and adapt to different circumstances in our lives
Rabbi Brad Hirschfield on the conditional and unconditional aspects of God’s covenant with Israel