Dear all,
I recently learned that many Israelis are saying “Shana Tova yoteir” rather than the familiar “Shana Tova.” While the latter means “A Good New Year,” the addition of the word “yoteir” changes it to “A BETTER New Year.”
Our Jewish world has absorbed tremendous pain this past year. Hamas and Hezbollah have proven how darkness can hypnotize a world into ignorance. And just this week, Iran has forced many in Israel into bomb shelters.
We all certainly hope for a good year. But in this moment in time, I’ll settle for a better year.
I’ll settle for a respite from vitriol.
I’ll settle for the ability to simply walk across a college campus without apprehension.
I’ll settle for having a hard conversation rather than cancel culture.
I’ll settle for so much…. So long as it’s better than what we saw this past year.
And at the same time….
I will be grateful for the blessings that surround me, and I vow this New Year to recognize that darkness will roll into light – so long as we keep our hearts open.
Ron, Maya, Eli, and I send you and those you love blessings for a better year filled with goodness.
Shana Tova Yoteir,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro