Jewish celebrities and cast members from “Saturday Night Seder” are teaming up Oct. 26 with Young Jewish Americans for Biden to make sure everyone votes by Nov. 3.
Coordinated by Alex Edelman, Adam Kantor and Jen Snow (producers and writers of “Saturday Night Seder”), the virtual event will take place at 5 p.m. PT to help spread awareness to young voters on the important role they play in this election.
Edelman told the Journal that it isn’t just about getting the word out for the 2020 election, it’s about “driving voter participation and interest” for future elections.
Edelman told the Journal that it isn’t just about getting the word out for the 2020 election, it’s about “driving voter participation and interest” for future elections.
“Making sure that folks participate in this campaign – one that puts them firmly on the side of decency – is so important to me,” he said. “It’s why a few of us are getting together to try to help get young Jews involved in ending this long, national nightmare.”
Jeff Goldblum, Kantor, Edelman, Judy Gold, IKAR Rabbi Sharon Brous, Beanie Feldstein, Reza Aslan, Sarah Hurwitz, Chef Michael Solomonov, Tan France and Hannah Friedman are the among the star-studded talent attending the virtual “Get Out the Vote Rally.”
Edelman told the Journal in August that the success of the virtual pandemic Passover “Seder” fundraiser—which raised more than $3 million for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention— inspired the team to take part in more events that bring awareness to important causes. Many of the members attending tonight’s rally have attended one or more virtual fundraisers and events since the pandemic that promote social change.
To attend the event, click here.