Rachel Goldberg, whose camera was used to snap an image of the Montauk Monster, spoke with GeekHeeb and confirmed a Fox News report that the creature is now in the possession of Montauk resident Paul Davis.
Eric Olsen, a real estate agent and surfer, had originally removed the Montauk Monster from the beach last week, according to the East Hampton Star, which reported that he’d left the rotting carcass in the woods near a friend’s house to decompose. Goldberg says the body has since decomposed and that it’s basically a skeleton at this point.
Olsen had planned to sell the bones, but when he returned to the woods Sunday the mystery monster’s carcass was gone.
“He wants to make some money on it,” Goldberg said of Davis.
She echoes the statements made by her friend Jenna Hewitt, who took the photo, that it’s probably a raccoon.
But she’s still hedging her bets that it could be something else: “The Plum Island thing is not a total departure. I don’t know … maybe some unidentified deep-sea creature,” she said.