
No Longer Seeing Other People ft. Ilana Dunn

July 12, 2023

Libby and Marla are back and excited about their new launch with the Jewish Journal! They give some brief intros about themselves to help their new listeners learn about who they are. They then give updates about what’s going on in their personal lives. Libby has an upcoming talk with Hadassah Magazine and Marla survived a car accident – so all good things! This week the girls are thrilled to welcome Ilana Dunn, a dating expert herself who will no longer have to deal with Schmuckboys as she recently got engaged. Ilana shares her unexpected journey into the dating podcast world and how she grew her audience. The girls discuss how they talk to their audience without revealing too many details about their dates. Ilana shares about how her and fiance first met and her connection to the Jonas Brothers which was also a big part of their relationship. Ilana also discusses where she sees her dating podcast path going now that she’s engaged. The girls also ask Ilana about her experience co-hosting a dating podcast with a guy she had previously dated. The girls discuss dating smarter and how sometimes we’re at fault for allowing ourselves to stay with people who don’t treat us right. Ilana shares about her new venture with friend Carly Silverman to help set people up in a more casual and comfortable way. After discussing dating, the girls get into Ilana’s connection to Judaism and how her identity changed when she first went off to college. She shares a funny story about convincing her mom to agree that she could marry NIck Jonas despite him not being a member of the tribe. They end with a game of Dating Do’s and Don’ts!You can find Schmuckboys on Instagram @schmuckboysofficial and Ilana Dunn @ilana.dunn and @seeingotherpeople and @itslifeinprogress. Email dating questions to schmuckboys@jewishjournal.com


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