On Friday, Nov. 9, The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles launched a hotline for those affected by the fires so they can seek all forms of support.
Support can be anything related to housing, food, legal questions, insurance questions or just someone to talk to you.
“If somebody belongs to a synagogue a rabbi has connection to them. If they don’t belong to synagogue we only hear from them if they let us know,” Federation CEO Jay Sanderson told the Journal. “Getting word out to people…it’s wildfire emergency hotline. Someone will answer it between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. seven days. As long as it is needed.”
Anyone who calls will speak to a staff member from the Federation. This includes members of the Jews in Need initiative who are trained in knowing specific issues.
The Federation has already received many calls over the weekend.
The non-profit also launched The Wildfire Relief Fund Monday, Nov. 12 where 100 percent of all money raised will go to victims of the fires and institutions that have received significant damage.
“We will be working with those institutions to help them raise additional funds, to help them with their planning go forward, whatever they need we are going to help them,” Sanderson said.
To donate, click here. To reach the Hotline, dial (323) 761 – 8100.