
Thank You Steve Jobs For Teaching Me to Think Different

October 6, 2011

In 1997, as a teenager, I saw the best commercial ever created.  It was part of the Think Different campaign for Apple.  There was no youtube back then so I watched it over and over on tv till I memorized the words.  I wrote them down on the front inside cover of my diary and I looked at them daily for years.  Over the years, I would think about those words often as I imagined Martha Graham clicking her heels together and Albert Einstein’s hair being ruffled.  Steve Jobs served as a constant reminder to me that it was ok to be weird or different or even crazy.  And so I too would like to join the many voices out there thanking him.  Not just for every piece of electronic equipment I own, but for encouraging me to think different and showing me the immense richness the Round Pegs could bring to the world.

If this commercial were to be made today, I imagine his familiar turtle-necked image would be included….