Our tradition calls him Avraham Avinu – Abraham our Patriarch. But more than just being “our patriarch,” Abraham was our very first leader. What kind of leader was Abraham?
Initially he was unknown to the world. He only had God’s endorsement. Who was Abraham, and why was he chosen by God to become the leader of a new nation?
For ten generations, humanity lacked direction, vision or purpose. For ten generations, the world was without an effective leader. According to Pirkei Avot, it took God ten generations to patiently search for a leader on earth.
What did God want in a leader?
I think of the colorful magnet hanging on my refrigerator. It reads:
“RISK more than others think is safe.
CARE more than others think is wise.
DREAM more than others expect is practical.
EXPECT more than others think is possible.
Bold leaders take risks, sensitive leaders show care for others, visionary leaders never stop dreaming, and strong leaders have high expectations for achievement. Abraham’s career as a leader embodied all of these traits. His leadership was about bringing light to a world that was filled with darkness. He met with kings, participated in wars, brokered peace treaties and built economic strength for his community.
In his book Lessons in Leadership, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks – a briliant rabbinic leader – comments that “Abraham is without a doubt the most influential person who ever lived,” with Jews, Christians and Muslims all claiming him as their spiritual ancestor.
“Yet he ruled no empire, commanded no great army, performed no miracles, and proclaimed no prophecy,” continues Rabbi Sacks. “He is the supreme example in all of history of influence without power.”
Why was Abraham so influential?
In his book Hegyonei Uziel, Rabbi Benzion Uziel – also a brilliant rabbinic leader – remarks: “Abraham’s mannerisms towards his fellow human beings were rooted in dignity, grace and humility. It is because of his respect and open heart towards people that Abraham was such an influential and successful leader.”
Abraham, Rabbi Sacks, Rabbi Uziel. Leaders – and role models – for all generations.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Daniel Bouskila is the international director of the Sephardic Educational Center.