Michael Douglas first teamed with Kathleen Turner in 1984 in the iconic romantic comedy “Romancing the Stone,” reunited the following year in its sequel “The Jewel on the Nile,” and made “The War of the Roses” together in 1989. Three decades later, they’re teaming up again on Douglas’ Netflix hit “The Kominsky Method,” with Turner signing on to play Ruth Bederman, the second ex-wife of the titular acting coach.
Jacqueline Bisset was originally cast in the role, which is described as “a woman who delights still being able to push the buttons of her ex-husband.”
Danny DeVito, who starred with Douglas and Turner in all three films, has a recurring role on the series as Sandy Kominsky’s urologist, Dr. Wexler. Other stars slated to recur in the second season include Jane Seymour as an old flame/new love interest for Sandy’s friend Norman (Alan Arkin) and Paul Reiser as the much-older new beau of Sandy’s daughter, Mindy (Sarah Baker).
Season Two is now shooting and will premiere on Netflix later this year.