Dear all,
Maya and Eli got hold of a tape measurer this week. (I think they raided Grandma’s purse …..). We showed them how to measure their height, and they had loads of fun.
As we recorded their numbers, I thought about the challenges we often put upon ourselves. While it’s important to set goals and expectations, all too often we measure our own worth against arbitrary comparisons.
Will I be as great as ….?
Am I as wise as …..?
Do I sing as well as ….?
Is my writing as profound as ….?
Are my goals as visionary as ….?
You know what? If we trying to measure up to others, we will lose.
Yes! We should set standards. And yes! We should try to reach farther and deeper. But we can only do so if we take a sacred moment in time to ask ourselves, “Am I being me?” Because at the end of the day, the person you should measure up to …. is you.
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro