
Start with Small Steps: Niver’s News: March 2022

March 31, 2022

March News 2022 with Lisa Niver & We Said Go Travel:

My thoughts are with the people of the Ukraine and their incredible president, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy. Many people have asked how they can help–here are six articles I published with ways to HELP: 

#StandWithUkraine GoFundMe with Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Airbnb and Flexport

Help the Ukraine media

Russia Ukraine War: ways to help

Tim Pendlebury helping refugees at the border

Rabbi Yoshi and Stephen Wise Temple –how to help the Jews in the Ukraine

Hamantashen for HOPE and more ways to HELP the Ukraine

I am reminded of an interview I did with Gaby Natale last year when she said, “Starting small doesn’t mean thinking small.” She started her show in a carpet warehouse and now has 3 Emmys and 30,545,939 views on her YouTube channel. If we all do our best with our small steps, we can create big change.

Since the Jewish Journal resumed print publication in Fall 2021, I have been in the Blog Bytes section sixteen times! Click here to see me in print in September 2021, October 2021, November 2021, December 2021 and January 2022. I will be posting more months in future newsletters.

As seen in the University of Pennsylvania PENN GAZETTE Alumni Notes:

Lisa Niver C’89 writes, “I loved being back on campus for Homecoming! I spoke at the RealArts@Penn program at Kelly Writers House to students who are aspiring writers; and I went to the football game with Heather Smay Fudala C’91 and Carl Law C’87. I am also happy to report that I won a third-place technology reporting award in the 2021 Southern California Journalism Awards for my piece in Thrive Global, ‘Is Talking Through Technology Making You More Human? with Rana el Kaliouby’ (tinyurl.com/LisaNiverThrive), and I sold my first article to WIRED, ‘8 Useful iPhone Tips for Ex-Android Users’ (tinyurl.com/LisaNiverWired).”

What are you reading for Women’s History Month? READ….

WOMAN ON FIRE by Lisa Barr


This ski season I went to Park City, Utah twice! Here are videos from both trips in January and March 2022:

Skiing in Park City with Patricia and Wayne! March 11, 2022

Are you road trip ready? We loved our trip to Joshua Tree in a Genesis GV70!

Where did we hike in Joshua Tree? Here is THE LIST


Here is the link to my video channel on YouTube where I have over 1.55 million views on YouTube! (Exact count: 1,550,000 views)

Thank you for your support! Are you one of my 3,480 subscribers? I hope you will join me and subscribe! For more We Said Go Travel articles, TV segments, videos and social media: CLICK HERE

Find me on social media with over 150,000 followers. Please follow  on TikTok: @LisaNiver, Twitter at @LisaNiver, Instagram @LisaNiver and on FacebookPinterestYouTube, and at LisaNiver.com.

My fortune cookies said:

“What you have long desired will soon be yours.”

“Be patient, and you will be rewarded.”

Lisa Niver at the top of McConkey’s Chair Lift, Park City Utah, March 12, 2022 on a ski and writing retreat for her BOOK!
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