Why Did We Replace “Merry Christmas” With “Happy Holidays?”
The trend has accelerated in recent years as we’ve become more sensitive to any “microaggressions” that might offend cultural sensibilities.
The trend has accelerated in recent years as we’ve become more sensitive to any “microaggressions” that might offend cultural sensibilities.
The problem with “owning the culture” is that you’re no longer the counterculture. As painful as this is for Democrats to hear, it is conservatives today who represent the counterculture.
Whether they realized it or not, the Jewish Educator Awards were demonstrating an antidote to antisemitism.
America has admired Jews for so long because we are the ultimate contributors. As we continue our fight against hate, it behooves us to keep that upbeat aspect of the Jewish story alive.
An alarming number of states have failed because they don’t have what only Israel has: A founding document that holds the state together around the shared ideals of freedom and individual rights.
The film committed the unforgivable sin of portraying Palestinian society as anti-LBGTQ and Israeli society as the very opposite. In other words, it showed the truth.
I’m guessing the PR folks at the hotel assumed that if they used strong words like “abhorrent language” and “horrific,” we’d forget they failed to call the incident by its real name–antisemitic.
Given the risk to his coalition, when the day comes for a Saudi deal, it’s not clear Bibi will be able to say yes to Trump.
Moving forward, Dems will need to renounce the woke virus that has infected their party and replace it with a huge dose of “paycheck to paycheck” common sense.
A paper is to reading what Shabbat is to the rest of the week. We can slow down and savor the content. Of course, printing and distributing a community paper week after week is not cheap.