Esther Adelson died May 4 at 88. She is survived by her sons, Michael (Pamela) and Leslie (Tom Hall); one grandchild; one great-grandchild; and sister Dorothy Leeb. Malinow and Silverman
Etta Barbanell died April 24 at 74. She is survived by her husband, Neil; daughter, Renee Friedman; and son, Neil. Malinow and Silverman
Rose Bisno died May 1 at 101. She is survived by her son, Jay (Alice); four grandchildren; and ten great-grandchildren. Malinow and Silverman
Arlene Brown died on May 7 at 77. She is survived by her sons, Robert, Scott and Dylan. Mount Sinai
Adele Carr died May 2 at 91. She is survived by her brother, Hyman (Donna) Levy. Malinow and Silverman
Samuel A. Cherry died May 4 at 95. He is survived by his daughter, Tanya (Brett Markel) Tull; son, Neeli Cherkovski; four grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Mount Sinai
Esther Ebel died May 2 at 95. She is survived by her sisters, Shirley Goldwasser and Eunice Silverstein. Mount Sinai
Frances Eckstein died May 8 at 91. She is survived by her daughter, Carol; and sons, Larry and Eric. Hillside
Rose Fajerberg died May 8 at 86. She is survived by her sons, Leon (Janet Tawell) Fainstadt and Jack Fainstadt; and one grandchild. Mount Sinai
Andrew Seth Feldman died May 8 at 42. He is survived by his parents, Howard and Roberta; and brother, Dean. Hillside
Beverly Friedman died May 6 at 79. She is survived by her daughters, Debra (Daniel) Schranze and Marla (Bert) Goldberg; son, Howard (Rowena); six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Mount Sinai
Eleanor C. Funk died May 6 at 92. She is survived by her sons, Robert (Mary) and Gary (Rosemarie); four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Hillside
Sara Gair died May 4 at 80. She is survived by her daughter, Leslie (David) Cain; and one grandchild. Mount Sinai
Ida Gan died April 28 at 94. She is survived by her sons, Norman, Howard, Michael and Rabbi Robert. Malinow and Silverman
Nettie Grant died May 1 at 91. She is survived by her niece, Susan Putterman. Malinow and Silverman
Lee Grayne died May 1 at 85. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; daughters, Linda Roth and Julie (Rusty) Buck; son, Charles (Rita) Grayneeight; grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Mount Sinai
Ben Greene died on May 5 at 75. He is survived by his wife, Beverly; daughter, Alison Webster; and son, James (Ingrid). Mount Sinai
Beatrice Haenel died May 2 at 85. She is survived by her daughters, Jaynee Barile and Judith; sons Neil, Robert and Alan; ten grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Malinow and Silevrman
Max Handel died May 9 at 90. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; daughters, Judi (Ray) Goldstone and Alice; son, Neal (Nicole); seven grandchildren; and brother, Nat (Evelyn). Mount Sinai
Daniel Simon Leegant died May 5 at 80. He is survived by his daughters, Ava (Fred) and Gabrielle; and one grandchild. Hillside
Minnie Levittdied April 26 at 90. She is survived by her husband, Martin; daughter Marsha Lerner (Michael); two grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.
Muriel Shirley Lipsey died May 9 at 91 and is survived by many friends. Hillside
Sid M. Lockitch died May 7 at 86. He is survived by his daughter, Nancy (Geoffry) Lockitch Loman; son, Michael; and four grandchildren. Hillside
Michael Frank Majchrzak died May 5 at 56. He is survived by his sister, Ann. Hillside
Pamela Jean Marks died May 4 at 65. She is survived by her husband, Larry; son, Paul Henry Rubenstein; stepson, Steve Markowitz; step-daughter, Leah Marks; mother, Rae Fieldman; father, Larry Fieldman; and brother, Roger (Barbara) Fieldman. Mount Sinai
Deborah Mizrahidied May 9 at 82. She is survived by her husband, Soleiman; daughter, Zohreh; sons, Cyrus and Keivan; seven grandchildren; brother, Elias (Shulamit) Ben Hazany; and sisters, Iran (Joseph) and Kochab Ben Hazany and Aghdas (Dariush) Ben Moshe. Mount Sinai
Audrey M. Perlman died April 30 at 85. She is survived by her daughter, Nanci (Chris) Lindau; son, Rick (Maria) Bradbury; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Mount Sinai
Robert Ivan Phillips died May 5 at 77. He is survived by his brother, William. Hillside
Roy Primack died May 9 at 83. He is survived by his wife, Marlene; daughters, Nancy (John) Carlton and Trudy (David) Hayes; son, Andrew (Liisa); and four grandchildren. Mount Sinai
Judy L. Rainer died May 3 at 54. She is survived by her father, Edwin; and brother, David (Anne). Mount Sinai
Joyce M. Reisman died May 8 at 85. She is survived by her daughter, Debra Moldovan; sons, Louis (Joanne) and Cary (Suzanne); six grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Mount Sinai
Sheldon Samuels died May 5 at 85. He is survived by his wife, Phyllis; daughters, Shellie and Nancy; and nine grandchildren. Hillside
Vera Sapojnikoffdied May 7 at 96. She is survived by her daughter, Christina Stewart; two grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Hillside
Anne Schechter died May 2 at 97. She is survived by her daughters, Judy Zimberoff and Selma Lewis; brother Joel Davis; three grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Malinow and Silverman
Edward Schneider died May 4 at 83. He is survived by his wife, Betty; daughter, Sandi (Chuck) Treibatch; son, Evan; and brother, Milton. Mount Sinai
Ruth Schultz died April 2 at 85. She is survived by her husband, Robert; daughters, Rochelle Kellner and Meryl (John) McCullough; and one grandchild. Malinow and Silverman
Walter B. Stone died May 8 at 95. He is survived by his sister, Gloria Goldstein; neice, Joanne Kirsbaum; and nephew, Bruce Kirshbaum. Hillside
Sylvia Falk Stroger died May 6 at 90. She is survived by her sons, Jerome (Teresa Mireles) and Robert (Jerri); six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Mount Sinai
Marjorie Sutton died May 4 at 85. She is survived by her husband, Harold; and son, Paul (Sandy). Mount Sinai
Robert C. Teplitz died May 1 at 86. He is survived by his daughter, Rhonda Singer; and brother, Art. Mount Sinai
Sidney Weltman died April 30 at 91. He is survived by his sons, Andrew (April) and David Alan (Kelly). Mount Sinai
Jack Winnick died May 1 at 85. He is survived by his wife, Roseann; daughter, Ronnie Tiefer; sons Ralph (Joanne) and Robert (Karin); brother Irving; ten grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. Malinow and Silverman
Charlotte Frances Young died May 4 at 62. She is survived by her sister, Becky (David) Breuer; brother, David (Mary Ellen); and three nephews. Mount Sinai
Harry D. Zeitz died May 5 at 96. He is survived by his daughter, Carol Dresser; five grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Mount Sinai