June 1, 2022

Mayoral Candidate Rick Caruso Visits Pico-Robertson
Tuesday’s visit by Caruso, who is Catholic, was his attempt to demonstrate sensitivity to Jewish voters before the upcoming citywide election.

An honest debate about rational gun laws is long overdue, and for that to happen the hyper-partisanship, extremist rhetoric, and gratuitous divisiveness need to end.

We Must Act Now in Order to Save the Rohingya People
Today, the Rohingya people in Burma suffer at the hands of dictators bent on genocide amid a world awash in indifference.

Escaping LA, Almost
People always ask me why we left the U.S., and the truth is that it wasn’t one thing.

Rosner’s Domain: Can Israel Win Over the Young?
If young people are less sympathetic to Israel, then all we have to do is wait, as the old generation of sympathetic Americans make room for a younger one of unsympathetic Americans.Â

California Legislative Jewish Caucus Endorses Diverse Group of Candidates
If elected, these candidates have the potential to significantly increase Jewish Caucus’s presence in Sacramento.

Wiesenthal Center Dedicates Witness to Truth Portrait Gallery
The gallery is a collection of 104 black-and-white portraits of Holocaust survivors. Â

Survivors of Mass Shootings: Three Stories, as Shared by Their Mothers
Frequently forgotten are the stories, struggles and valiant rebuilding efforts of those who survived mass shootings — particularly the youth — but whose physical and emotional scars have yet to heal.

A Tight Mayoral Race
The campaign to date seems to be centering around voters’ feelings about how Los Angeles has gotten into our current situation more than where we should go from here.
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The Consequence of Saying Too Many No’s

A Super Bowl Audience of 125 Million Will Hear About Antisemitism. Or Not.

Tikkun Olam: Restoring Palisades School Libraries, One Book at a Time

Woman Fatally Shot in Encino; Husband Allegedly Responsible