If you’ve seen the recent advertisements for the upcoming Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival, you might have noticed this year’s logo graphic, which is a pair of Converse Chuck Taylors with the shoelaces tied in the configuration of a Star of David. This graphic was created by yours truly to commemorate the film festival’s bar mitzvah year.
Since the ads started running, we’ve gotten numerous inquiries about how to tie the shoelaces into this formation. Therefore, I’ve put together this tutorial for all you who want to sport this hot fashion look. The instructions are tailored for a shoe with six or more eyelets on either side, which is the case for most athletic footwear.
To help you navigate your way through the tutorial, I’ve numbered each eyelet from one to six, indicating whether it’s the left (L) or right side (R), with the codes L1, R1, L2, R2, etc. Pay attention to the photographs and instructions to see when the shoelace is on the top of the eyelet and when it is on the bottom. Dotted arrows in the photos indicate where the shoelace is threaded underneath.
After you tie your shoelaces into Stars of David, you’ll want to hit the town in your new kicks. And what a fashionable way to celebrate Israel’s 70th.
1. Face the shoe toward you.
2. Start with lace going into top of L1 and R1. Make the right end of the laces about eight inches longer.
3. Bottom of R1 to top of L5. Bottom of L1 to top of R5.
4. Bottom of L5 to bottom of L3. Bottom of R5 to bottom of R3.
5. Top of L3 to top of R3.
6. Bottom of R3 to bottom of R5.
7. Top of R5 to top of L5.
8. Bottom of L5 to bottom of L3.
9. Top of L3 to bottom of R6.
10. Top of R3 to bottom of L6.
Jonathan Fong is the author of “Flowers That Wow” and “Parties That Wow,” and host of “Style With a Smile” on YouTube. You can see more of his do-it-yourself projects at jonathanfongstyle.com.