
A Moment in Time: “Keep Moving Forward”

July 18, 2024

”Daddy, how do you keep from falling off the bike?” Eli asked.

”You just keep moving forward,” I responded.

No sooner did the words depart my lips that I realized the depth of his question. Sure, he was asking about the specifics of riding a bike. But the profound nature of his inquiry I find rather eternal.

We all fall down in life. We all lose momentum. And while it’s important to learn from those experiences, the best way to regain our focus is to keep moving forward. It may not be easy. It may seem insurmountable. But there is always an opportunity to nurture a dream.

Whether it’s moving forward with personal goals or building a vision as a team – we harness the wisdom of Rav Nachman of Breslav, who taught: “The whole world is a narrow bridge. Do not allow fear to keep you from moving forward.”

Eli and I shared an awesome moment in time on that bike ride (I did the biking – he did the riding!) And when we wobbled every once in a while – we felt the wind in our faces – and kept moving on!

With love and shalom,

Rabbi Zach Shapiro

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