
I Love Diving! We Said Go Travel News Feb 2020

February 29, 2020

Feb News 2020 with We Said Go Travel:

I absolutely love diving in Turks and Caicos! Thank you to Beaches Resorts and PADI for including me in their Dive-in with PADI LIV+ at Beaches Turks and Caicos.

Click here to see all my videos from our adventures!

Enjoy Part 1 of my recent scuba diving trip: “Meet Me Underwater at Beaches Turks and Caicos

Part 2: Join me at Dive-in with PADI LIV+ at Beaches Turks and Caicos

Thank you to MEDIUM, TODAY and Today Parenting Team for publishing my article: Can your family vacation change the world?

Lisa Niver's article on Beaches Resorts in TODAY.com

See more photos on Facebook!

TravMedia Summit 2020
TravMedia Summit 2020

I went to New York City for several Travel conferences and events. Read more about them below:

What happened at the TravMedia Summit 2020?

Who can you meet at International Media Marketplace? IMM NYC 2020

Enjoy my videos from TravMedia Summit, International Media Marketplace and the New York Times Travel Show:

Thank you to Lindsay Tigar for including me in her article for Better Homes and Gardens on Yahoo Lifestyle called: “6 Little-Known Ways Costco Can Save You Money on Vacations

Lindsay Tigar Costco article

Thank you to Nadine Courtney Jolie for including me in her Reader’s Digest article: “What These Women Love About Being Single



Here is the link to my video channel on YouTube where I have over one million views on YouTube! (Exact count: 1,153,937 views) Thank you for your support! Are you one of my 2600 subscribers? I hope you will join me and subscribe!

For more We Said Go Travel articles, TV segments, videos and social media: CLICK HERE

Find me on social media: InstagramFacebookTwitterPinterestYouTube, and at LisaNiver.com.  My social media following is now over 160,000 and I am verified on Twitter.

My fortune cookies said:

“There is excitement to be found wherever you go”


“If you are waiting for the perfect time, you will wait forever”

I hope 2020 has started very well for you! Thank you so very much for all of your support! Did you read about my WIN at NAEJ AWARDS? I look forward to sharing more about the UN Decade of Change! Lisa

Lisa Niver wins at NAEJ National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Awards 2019
Lisa Niver wins at NAEJ National Arts and Entertainment Journalism Awards 2019
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