Picture of Karen E. H. Skinazi

Karen E. H. Skinazi

Mrs. Maisel Meets the Son of Zion: Joshua Cohen’s “The Netanyahus”

From New York City to the Catskills to Miami Beach; from the luftmensch-professor father on Mrs. Maisel’s side to the meddling, overbearing Jewish mother on Mr. Maisel’s; add in some brisket and a few Yiddishisms here and there, and bam! — you’ve got Amazon Prime’s Jewish schtick conglomerate, “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.”

Jewish Revenge in Small-Town Britain

Violence, elusive clues, a gaggle of potential suspects, forgotten crimes, and a countdown until the next murder are mixed together with a healthy dose of Jewish education in a new, tightly wrought crime thriller, “The Redeemer,” by debut novelist Victoria Goldman.


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