The White House reality show continues. After weeks of chaos, backstabbing, leaks and vulgarities, the Mooch is out and the General is in.
The latest craziness is that the brand new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, just dumped the brand new Communications Director, Anthony “Mooch” Scaramucci, who last week unleashed a nasty tirade against his own colleagues.
It’s tempting to see this as just the latest chaotic act in a dysfunctional White House. This move, though, is markedly different because it is an anti-chaos move.
As the New York Times reported, General Kelly told aides that he “intended to impose a new sense of order and operational discipline that had been absent under his predecessor.”
Order and operational discipline? In a Trump White House? Seriously?
After six months of unrelenting chaos, the prospect of an orderly Trumpian White House is as likely as Steve Bannon pushing for an open border with Mexico.
But it will be a battle to watch. On one side, you have a taskmaster who has been given authority to bring order to the castle, and on the other, you have an impulsive boss who loves drama and whose attention span is measured in tweets.
The more Kelly succeeds, the more boredom he will bring to the White House. This will force our president to concentrate on things like… policy.
A bored President Trump focusing on policy?
Godspeed, General.
David Suissa is president of TRIBE Media Corp./Jewish Journal and can be reached at davids@jewishjournal.com.