
Meet the folks who are preparing for the apocalypse

February 13, 2012

” title=”Doomsday Preppers” target=”_blank”>Doomsday Preppers.” I’m definitely not prepared—for the end of the world or for some of the apocalyptic scenarios I expect to encounter in this show. ” title=”reports” target=”_blank”>reports:

The show looks at more than a dozen Americans who have turned building bullet-proof shelters, stocking up on several years’ worth of canned goods and mapping evacuation routes into a kind of pricey game of one-upmanship. Whoever wins may be the last man (or woman) standing – literally.

But in another sense, the preppers don’t think of what they do as a weekend pastime. They see an end coming – be it because of a depletion of all the world’s oil or a shifting of the planet’s axis or a meltdown of the stock market. As a result, they simply follow the old scouting motto: Be prepared.

“These are not just a handful of people living in the mountains. They’re everywhere,” says Michael Cascio, National Geographic Channel’s executive vice president of programming.