
Kern Medical Center Withdraws Offer to Fired Ohio Doc Who Tweeted She Would Give Jews ‘the Wrong Meds’

April 2, 2019
Lara Kollab, reportedly has made references on social media to “Jewish dogs,” has written in Arabic, “Allah will take the Jews,” and tweeted, “ill (sic) purposely give all the yahood the wrong meds …” Photo from Facebook.

Lara Kollab, the doctor who was fired from the Cleveland Clinic for tweeting that she would purposely give the wrong medication to Jews, was recently accepted and then rejected from a California residency program.

Kern Medical Center, which is located in Bakersfield, announced in an April 1 press release on their website that they told Kollab on March 25 “that her position as a Post-Graduate-Year 1 resident in the Internal Medicine Residency Program has been withdrawn effective immediately.”

Kern Medical has determined that Dr. Lara Kollab breached her Match Participant Agreement when she submitted information that was false, misleading, and incomplete to Kern Medical during the interview and match process,” the press release states. “Kern Medical is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of our patients and expects the highest level of integrity and compassion from our staff. We look forward to welcoming our new class of residents and working with them to bring an exceptional level of care to all of our patients, regardless of race, religious background or social standing.”

The story was first reported on by The Lakewood Scoop; they initially reported on April 1 that Kollab had been hired by Kern Medical and, sometime thereafter, Kern Medical published their press release on Kollab.

Canary Mission, the watchdog site combating anti-Semitism that first exposed Kollab’s social media posts, tweeted, “Thanks to @KernMedical for ensuring that this dangerous doctor isn’t able to harm Jewish patients in the future.”

Canary Mission then rehashed a couple of Kollab’s past social media posts:

Kollab issued an apology on her personal website after initially insisting that the aforementioned social posts came from a fake account. Journal columnist Tabby Refael called Kollab’s apology “short-sighted and half-hearted” in a February column.

Her post never mentions the term ‘anti-Semitism,’ nor does it even espouse one statement that would humanize Jews, given that she previously referred to Jews as ‘dogs,’” Refael wrote. “In fact, her apology doesn’t include a single positive word about Jews. It does, however, put our mind to ease over Kollab’s moral clarity on Israel: ‘The injustice and brutality of the occupation continues to concern me, and I believe every champion of human rights owes it to humanity to work toward a just and peaceful resolution of this crisis,’ Kollab writes. When all other explanations fail, you can always count on an anti-Semite to extol that he or she is simply a concerned anti-Zionist.”

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