November 6, 2012


Heading to the polls in Cleveland, Ohio on November 6

(Photo: Shmuel Rosner)


Ohio Diary 1: No change for you! 

Both Obama and Romney are stumping in Ohio today; it's another day on the campaign trail, with three more to go before Election Day.

Ohio Diary 2: You-must-be-kidding-you-can’t-seriously-consider-voting-for-this-guy 

Having met and interviewed several dozen Ohioan Jews in the last couple of days, I still can’t reliably tell you how the vote will break Tuesday.

Ohio Diary 3: No time for you, world

Both Obama and Romney are internationalists, but both feel a political need to make the world disappear in this final stretch of the election, even as the rest of the world is watching closely.



Sun City Center, FL. Protesting against Biden's visit, with an empty chair.

(Photo: Shmuel Rosner)

Florida Diary 1: Romney’s ‘Netanyahu’ offense, Obama’s ‘Israel’ defense 

One thing can’t be denied: Netanyahu is probably the foreign leader mentioned more in this election season than any other.

Florida Diary 2: Mitt Shammai, Barack Hillel (or vice versa)

While their words weren’t quite godly, the heat and combative manner at Obama and Romney's second debate can certainly be compared to the Beit Hillel–Beit Shammai battle of ideas.

Florida Diary 3: Hello Jewish voter, how are you today?

At the Republican Jewish Coalition HQ in Boca Raton, under a banner reading 'Obama… Oy Vey!!', one volunteer says his job is 'to influence Jewish people to think.'

Florida Diary 4: What Paul Ryan wants, and what women want 

Romney-Ryan ticket doesn’t seem to believe polls showing that women are most interested in abortion as the issue of this election, and aren't just saying it as a knee-jerk response.

Florida Diary 5: Biden avoids Libya, focuses on women 

The Obama team is reading the same polls we all do, and is reaching the same conclusion: The president cannot win this on the economy.

Florida Diary 6: Berman vs. Sherman? Frankel vs. Hasner!!!

If either candidate for Florida's newly redrawn 22nd District is more Jewishly engaged, I cannot tell; it depends in many ways on one's definition of engagement.


More on the U.S. elections

Who needs the Jewish vote? 

Of course we don’t all agree on the specifics of political agendas, but being part of a vibrant, shifting, chaotic 'vote' forces us into a group that is markedly Jewish and markedly American and markedly ethnic.

Studying Jewish Holy-tics 

Maybe studying the Jewish vote is really a very Jewish thing to do – much like studying the Talmud.

3 skeptical comments on the third presidential debate 

The choice between Obama and Romney only matters if their policies are different, otherwise, it's no more than sport.

Is Ryan hurting Romney with the Jewish vote? 

The Republican vice-presidential candidate's stance on abortion could prove problematic for American Jewish voters.

Biden and Netanyahu on the same page? Parsing Biden-Ryan words on Iran 

Both vice presidential candidates in Thursday's debate were right and wrong during an encounter that focused heavily on foreign policy.




Follow Shmuel Rosner on Twitter and Facebook for facts and figures, analysis and opinion on the U.S. election

Last chance to check out Rosner's new book, The Jewish Vote: Obama vs. Romney / A Jewish Voter's Guide

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