Israeli thriller, “When Heroes Fly,” about estranged army buddies who reunite on a search and rescue mission, is being remade for AppleTV+. Writer-producer Mark Boal (“The Hurt Locker”) is adapting the story for a 10-part drama titled “Echo 3.”
In this version, an American scientist working near the Columbia-Venezuela border disappears, and her husband and brother, both military veterans, seek to find her. Produced by Israel’s Keshet Studios, it will be shot in South America in English and Spanish.
Boal will serve as showrunner alongside Jason Horwitch (“Berlin Station”). Keshet Studios’ Peter Traugott serves as executive producer alongside Omri Givon, who worked on an adaptation with Keshet Studios and Netflix.
Givon told the Journal in January 2019 that, “[the show has] had an amazing impact.”
“We didn’t know how the Israeli audience would react to our showing this side of war, but people wanted to hear about it and wanted to talk about it,” he added. “I hope it will be the same outside of Israel.”