
Antisemitic Sukkot Incident Being Investigated by LAPD’s Major Crimes Division

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Major Crimes Division is investigating an incident that occurred on the evening of September 22, when a car attempted to ram into a crowd of people celebrating the holiday of Sukkot.
September 28, 2021
Screenshot from YouTube of the incident

The Los Angeles Police Department’s Major Crimes Division is investigating an incident that occurred on the evening of September 22, when a car attempted to ram into a crowd of people celebrating the holiday of Sukkot. LAPD Detective Maria Ceja confirmed that the Major Crimes Division is now handling the case.

The incident occurred at Congregation Shaarei Tefila in the Fairfax district. According to Magen Am, a security and patrol service that was working security inside the event, a man was spotted walking his dog around the vicinity. People felt he was canvassing the area and made some Sukkot celebrants feel uncomfortable. Magen Am said it immediately called the LAPD to report the suspicious person, who, according to witnesses, threatened: “I’m a real Muslim. I’ll show you what real terrorism looks like!”

“Because LAPD Major Crimes is now involved, there is a better chance of an enhancement as a hate crime, but we will have to see where the investigation leads,” Rabbi Yossi Eilfort, founder and president of Magen Am said. “Also, we and the LAPD have been in touch with the FBI Supervisory Special Agent for Hate Crimes about this incident, so we know there are federal resources being put into this investigation.”

“People had to jump out of the way or they would have been run over.”
– Rabbi Yossi Eilfort, founder and president of Magen Am

According to Eilfort, before LAPD arrived, Magen Am security personnel spoke to the suspect, and he made derogatory remarks about Jews. “This naturally raised our suspicions, but we were able to diffuse the situation and get him to leave,” Eilfort said. “He then returned with his vehicle approximately 20 minutes later and attempted to run over Jews at the event. He slammed the gas to full throttle down an alley full of people. People had to jump out of the way or they would have been run over. Witnesses said it appeared he was targeting a woman and her teenage daughter. The car stopped short in front of the metal gates, as he screamed ‘F the Jews.’ He then turned his car around and left.”  

About 300 to 400 attended the event. No physical injuries were reported. 

LAPD sent back up officers who worked with Magen Am to secure the scene, file police reports and gather statements from witnesses.

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