Dear all,
Our family travelled this week to Palm Springs for our annual PARR (Pacific Association of Reform Rabbis) conference. While not in session, we made time to take the aerial tramway up the mountain. As we gazed as the changing landscape – and felt the plummeting temperature (it was 55 degrees at the bottom and 25 degrees at the top), I thought of the incredible interplay between Divine and human craftsmanship.
I mean, c’mon! The views going up were breathtaking. And the fact that human beings were able to place wires and pillars holding up our tram blew my mind.
Our liturgy reminds us each morning to capture the beauty of creation as a gifted moment in time: “Mah rabu ma-asecha, Adonai!/ How wondrous are Your works of Creation, oh God!”
What gift will you take note of today?
With love and shalom,
Rabbi Zach Shapiro |