Picture of Tabby Refael

Tabby Refael

Tabby Refael (on Twitter @RefaelTabby) is a Los Angeles based writer, speaker and activist.

Prince of Persians

How an Ashkenazi Rabbi Is Fighting Assimilation Among Persian Jews by Spreading Jewish Joy

An Ode to Hillel

To Hillel International: I stand unequivocally with you, your resilient students and your devoted staff.

Tapas and Tents (A Satire)

The following incidents depicting campus deterioration have been painstakingly documented and are now being shared with readers for the first time.

The Radically Self-Loving Jew: Part II

I almost didn’t write this column, which is a continuation of last week’s column on the imperative for Jews today to take better care of themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually.


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