Picture of Rabbi Dr. Stuart Halpern

Rabbi Dr. Stuart Halpern

Rabbi Dr. Stuart Halpern is Senior Adviser to the Provost of Yeshiva University and Deputy Director of Y.U.’s Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought. His books include "The Promise of Liberty: A Passover Haggada," which examines the Exodus story’s impact on the United States, "Esther in America," "Gleanings: Reflections on Ruth" and "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States."

Of Monsters and Minyans

Might a golem help make a minyan? Over 300 years ago, a rabbi considered the question, now cited in countless discussions about the implications of artificial intelligence and Judaism.

Reflecting on Maoz Tzur’s Rock of Salvation

A symbol of sustenance, a sign of the covenant, and metaphor for the sources of our sustaining existence — God and our ancestors — our Rock remains an eternal emblem of salvation.

Marking the Words of Maccabees

As we celebrate over Hanukkah’s eight days the valor of those who rose to resist villainy – in those days and in our time – we mark the words of Maccabees both ancient and modern.

Native Tribes and Lost Jews

A long-forgotten theory, unmentioned in the latest debate over Christopher Columbus’ Jewish origins, is that with the discovery of the Americas, the hope quickly emerged that the New World’s Natives might in fact be the lost Ten Tribes. 


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