Polish Antisemite Meets Satirical Semite
The Rabbis teach we should judge people for the good, but the Kabbalists talk about how this has its limits.
The Rabbis teach we should judge people for the good, but the Kabbalists talk about how this has its limits.
For months, I had been asking the question; “what skilled work can I do that will help support Israel?”
Mick Jagger literally skipped across the stage, and I nearly cried at seeing that this was possible for a human being.
Dimitry Kalashnikov is one of my favorite imaginary friends, a 36-year-old Russian dissident who escaped Russia two years ago
In a world where there is such a relentless barrage of antisemitic content, A Manifesto for Jewish Filmmakers can refine and focus our ideas for using creativity to counter the negativity.
There are three commonly-asked questions that I get asked on dates.
My people were imperialists, took a land that was not ours, and rewrote the maps. I unreservedly apologize for being British.
It is hard processing your apparent lack of solidarity, but perhaps I am misinterpreting something.
There is now a dedicated dating site called Unjected, which is based in the Red state heartlands of Boca Raton, Florida, and only open to people who have not had the COVID vaccine.